Commentary – Lack of Upkeep of Jamison / Bullitt Landscaping

Dear City Council,

Re: City right-a-way Weed and Trash violation.

While I served as the Southeast Action Forum President, the city installed traffic calming devices and landscaping along the Bullitt and Jamison Avenue corridors, SE. This was in response to an initiative between the Southeast Action Forum, Faithworks, neighborhood and church leaders. The dialogue between city staff and neighborhood representatives outlined solutions to neighborhood blight. The measure was subsequently called “Southeast by Design”.
When Darlene Burcham and other city staff members presented the traffic calming proposal to citizens at a large community gathering, many expressed support for the countermeasures to control vehicular speeding. The landscape aspect of the plan was well received. But concerns did arise that the city would not, in the long run, take care of the tree and shrub plantings.
This is why I am writing you today. In the past three years, the City of Roanoke has not maintained any of the bulb-outs that were installed along Jamison and Bullitt. No mulching, weeding or replacement of dead and dying trees/shrubs.
I urge you to take a drive down these two streets (our main street corridor) and view the mess for yourself. Weeds as tall as four feet high are now crowding out the landscaping in some of the bulb-outs. Thankfully, some of the adjacent homeowners have taken it upon themselves to clean some of them up.
I ask you this: Why do city crews so diligently keep some medians in our city so spot-free and let others fall into terrible neglect? Is this a logical response to budget cuts? Playing favorites?
I would like this matter referred to the appropriate department head. Yours, or their response would be gratefully appreciated.

Mark Petersen, Roanoke

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