
RANDY HUFF: On Disagreement, Motive and Dealing With The Issue at Hand

Charity can help avoid the mire of polarization Amazing how readily we find fault. Steven Covey said we get our "emotional jollies" by pointing out fault in others. I always...

MELINDA MYERS: Heat-Tolerant Beauties for Gardens and Containers

Boost the summer-long beauty and heat tolerance in your gardens and containers with new varieties...

SERWAN ZANGANA: May God’s Will ALWAYS Overpower My Will

Between God’s will and our free will, our lives continue on earth. The outcome of...

DEVOTIONAL: Eclipses Show God’s Handiwork…And Sense Of Humor?

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. ...

RANDY HUFF: Strolling, Stones and A Better Way

The stroll I often took in my growing up years recently came to mind. We...

3 Diet Tips To Reverse Your Sleep Problems

It’s estimated that 50-70 million U.S. adults have some type of sleeping disorder. And what you eat or don’t eat may impact how you...

DICK BAYNTON: The Adversity of Diversity

According to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) published in March 2018, there are 45.6 million immigrants, legal and illegal, living in the...

MIKE KEELER: Groundhog Day and Then Some

I know, I know, I KNOW! You're getting that funny feeling again. Like you've been here before. Like you woke up and read this stupid...

LUCKY GARVIN: Dogs Know The Most Important Thing

Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named 'Lucky.' Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for...

DICK BAYNTON: The Problem of Power

Presidents, Governors, Prime Ministers and legislators accumulate power by (usually) winning elections to perform services for fellow citizens. Becoming one of the above-mentioned leaders...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: More Than Just Walking to School

Today there's a train blocking my path. I’ve been moving lightly on foot along the worn trail, two text books and two spiral notebooks tucked...