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DICK BAYNTON: Virtue & Victims

Dick Baynton

What is emerging in politics is counterfeit virtue and real victims. Virtue is now an intellectual commodity that can be mauled and manipulated into something that appears by one person as goodness and to another as evil posing as goodness. Both true virtue and counterfeit or imitation virtue appear in many of the same conflicts or transactions. In the #MeToo movement, none of us know who to believe except that verification by accusers, witnesses, victims and the long-standing rule of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is absolute and not optional. In courtrooms across our land and even in Congressional Hearings, the rules of law must prevail. Guilt-by-association and uncorroborated accusations are not rules of anything except assumptions by biased minds.

The Trump-Russia collusion investigation has been going on for more than a year based on the ‘sham’ justification by the FISA Court. The investigation of Kavanaugh was ignited by the ‘resist’ movement and deepened by liberal need of Justices on the Supreme Court for decisions on immigration and other issues that could not pass legislation. The resistance began when Trump nominated Kavanaugh on July 9th, 2018. Shortly after that date, Senator Schumer and other Democrats began reciting reasons why Brett Kavanaugh was unqualified for a position of Associate Justice of The Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Committee set the start date of confirmation hearings for September 4th but suddenly evidence of sexual misconduct was introduced by Senator Feinstein.

A personal letter of accusation naming Kavanaugh had been received with the understanding of anonymity by California university professor Christine Blasey Ford, PhD in July but introduced to the Senate Judiciary Committee in September. The identity of Dr. Ford had been leaked surreptitiously by a person or persons who wanted to remain anonymous. During informal questioning apparently no one outed this accuser who wanted to remain anonymous; her name had crept into newspapers by natural osmosis. A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing was set for Thursday, September 27th and following the hearings, the committee voted 11-10 to send the nomination to the floor. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) who had committed to voting in favor of Kavanaugh from the Senate floor was confronted in a nearby elevator by a screaming protester.

Following that confrontation, Senator Flake said he would still vote yes as long as a week-long follow up investigation was mounted by the FBI. The vote was postponed for a week to allow the investigation to go forward. The innocent young lady that confronted Senator Flake in the elevator was not an innocent young lady. Here’s who she is and was: Ana Maria Archila, a native Colombian and a ‘Co-Director of the ‘Center for Popular Democracy’ whose salary amounts to $156,333 + bonus of $21,378. The ‘Center for Popular Democracy’ is funded by billionaire George Soros.

Let’s consider George Soros and how he distributes his many dollars: He is the founder of ‘’ and contributes to ‘Popular Democracy’, NARAL, ‘Planned Parenthood’, ‘Pro-Choice America,’ ‘ACLU’ and as many as 50 other liberal organizations funded by his ‘Open Society Foundation.’ Unnoticed by the public, many leaders of one of Soros-funded groups met near the Capitol and handed out tickets on September 27th for the Senate visitor’s gallery who of course screamed and shouted vociferously to meet the expectations of their paid performances during the confirmation voting by Senate members. These loquacious protesters were paid trained screamers, not amateur, arbitrary objectors.

In the last couple days, Hillary Clinton has stated that ‘civility’ will return to Congressional debate and ‘civil’ discourse will return if Democrats win one or both houses of Congress. What an amazingly naïve and ignorant remark to make in the face of Andy Harris’ (R-MD) complaint in the WSJ about ‘pot-smoking agitators bursting into his Capitol Hill office.’ Conservative legislators have been harassed and forced to leave restaurants and private homes have been picketed by paid protesters. These events represent poor losers, law breakers and rogue citizens who are paid to act out harassment, indecency and incivility, all endorsed quietly and secretly by liberal elected officials.

When you go to the polls in November, remember that hatred breeds violence, violence gives birth to mob rule and mob rule leads to the disarray of anarchy. We must not stand by as virtue is replaced by vile. VOTE!

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