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Democrats Present United Front

Roanoke City Council members join hands in solidarity during last Friday’s Downtown press conference.

by Valerie Garner

Status Quo Sought in Upcoming City Elections

The noon Greene Memorial United Methodist Church bells kept Roanoke City council members, Anita Price, Court Rosen and Sherman Lea from starting their speeches on time. The harmony of bells foreshadowed the presentation of a united Democratic ticket.

The three council members, whose terms are not up for re-election, stood by their colleagues’ sides. Also there was incumbent Mayor David Bowers. Bowers had already announced his intention to seek re-election at the Democratic reorganization meeting in December.

Was it the bells that compelled all six city council members to declare their support for the incumbent Mayor or something else?

The three speeches began first with council member Anita Price. As a retired school counselor, she focused her remarks on support for the youth of the city saying, “Children are indeed our future – we must do all that we can to invest in our children at all levels. This I must see through.”

Councilman Court Rosen focused on his neighborhood advocacy investment. Rosen regularly attends neighborhood meetings and events. The accomplishments he listed included – raising the income maximum that qualifies seniors to freeze their real estate taxes, the two-year, two-cent meal tax increase to help the financially struggling city schools and the establishment of fiscal priorities in a down economy.

The meal tax sunsets in July when a new (or the same) council may discuss adding it back in some form. Vice Mayor Dave Trinkle said he would “like to see [any tax] spread more uniformly.”  Trinkle owns three restaurants.

Councilman Sherman Lea is the longest consecutive serving member on council. He focused his remarks on how a stable council with no turnover can get things done. This he compared to past years when the council often had heated exchanges and competing factions.

“We all have a good working relationship … It’s imperative that the governing body works together,” he said.

After the speeches concluded, the group was put on the spot when they were queried about their support for Bowers’ re-election as Mayor. Sam Rasoul, former candidate for the 6th Congressional District, is challenging Bowers in a firehouse primary in February.

Following an “awkward pause”, they all said they were supporting the incumbent Mayor.

Roanoke County Supervisor Charlotte Moore was in the crowd of 40 people attending the announcements. Moore was elected as a Democrat but later dropped the party label.

Former Delegate Chip Woodrum remarked about the current City Council makeup – “We’ve put a lot of things behind us.  We have a lot of positive momentum and this positive vibe needs to continue.”

Rasoul and Bowers will face-off in a firehouse primary in February. Rasoul made his formal announcement on Tuesday at his campaign headquarters on the Roanoke City Market across from the Roanoke Weiner Stand.

Chris Walters, chair of the Republican City Committee, said that there were candidates interested in running for council but they have not yet been vetted. Mike Powell, who ran as a Republican two years ago, is not one of them he said. They will hold a mass meeting in mid-February. It will follow the Democrats’ firehouse primary.

Neither Rasoul nor Bowers would comment on whether they would run as an Independent should they lose the primary.

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  1. Most amazing. The hate that existed between these people just a few years ago seems to be gone. Good? Or was it all a sham by the individuals for their own reasons. Maybe this is the way politics works. Office seekers whip up a froth when they see it has the potential to strengthen their odds for election but the candidates maybe are not honest, just looking for votes. Personally, I don’t think there is much better than a good ememy unless it’s a good friend, but how can you be an enemy today and friend tomorrow? My enemies from yesterday remain my enemies for today. I’m really most happy with that. I look forward to battle with my enemies every day, every year and I’ll continue to work to defeat them on every front. Never forgive, Never forget and work hard to get even, that’s the motto of my political philsophy. You wanna kiss and make up? Well bob down and kiss my ars.

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