The Many “Faces of Roanoke”

The photo gallery is meant to showcase and convey the feel of Roanoke as a community; therefore individuals are not identified in order to “give somewhat of a mystery and ambiguity” to the project.

by Cheryl Hodges

“Faces of Roanoke” is an “idea that began about a year ago,” according to photographer Brett Winter Lemon, and is a collaborative effort with CityWorks.

“We wanted to document the changes, people and energy of Roanoke. So much is happening and there needs to be a stamp on this section of time. In my eyes that stamp is portraits. In the end we hope to create something that speaks volumes and also creates good.”

Lemon plans to donate some of the money raised from book sales, etc. to hopefully fund a grant that will “impact Roanoke for the better.”

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