Commentary – The Best Plan for Change

The Republican Party’s Contract with America was an agreement to make changes in the 1994 Congressional elections.  The Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives.  The American people agreed and gave the Republican Party a big win in 1994 and gave the House a majority for the first time in 40 years.    The Contract was completed but some feel it did not go far enough or continue long enough.

In our last presidential election, Democratic President Obama made change to another big request by the American people, but this change was not what many expected. In November, we will again get an opportunity to change.  The Republican Party is now offering a sequel and calling it A Pledge To America.  This is a pledge dedicated to the task of reconnecting the aspirations of the permanent truths of our founding fathers.  The values and ideas of our parents reinforced by lessons of history will be the basis of action.  It is a plan for action, a plan to stop out of control spending and reduce the size of government, a plan to repeal and replace the government takeover of health care, a plan to reform Congress and restore trust by requiring that every bill contain a citation of Constitutional authority, and a plan to keep our nation secure at home and abroad.

While this plan is not a solution to every problem, it is a sound basis of philosophy to approach every problem.  Right now, our biggest challenge is the lack of confidence in the future which prevents decisive action by businesses, employers, investors and consumers.  We have all hunkered down.  The Republican Pledge To America may well be the pledge we are waiting on. Everyone needs to go to to see the Republican alternative to Obama Care.

– Mike Bailey, Hollins

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