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Letter: Tea Party Unsuccessful and Misleading

Referencing the article “Second Roanoke Tea Party Big Success”  by Carla Bream in the July 10  16, 2010 issue of The Roanoke-Star Sentinel, I have to say this rally was not as successful as the Roanoke Tea Party had hoped.

Frankly, this movement scares me to death, especially in their support of the Fair Tax which they say will be better but in actuality, the consumer will end up paying all taxes for goods and big business, which will be exempt from their current taxation, will end up getting richer and the poor will end up getting poorer.

This falls directly into what conservatives want all along and that is to cater to the rich and big business while standing on the backs of the poor, taxing the poor and middle class to death thus casting the middle class into the poverty levels of the poor.  The conservatives are trying to achieve these goals by selling a fraudulent bill of goods to the ignorant and the desperate which is what the Tea Party is primarily composed.

It makes me extremely angry when the Tea Party quotes the forefathers to fit their agenda and pervert history to their own designs.  This movement is a threat to the nation and I firmly believe it is a precursor to destroying democracy and creating a new type of dictatorship or even communism.

Obviously Virginians were not fooled by the Tea Party considering last spring’s election where none of the three Tea Party candidates were elected to office.

So I would like to urge people, do not be fooled by the Tea Party.  If you support them, you are ultimately throwing yourself into the proverbial estuary of sewage without a paddle.

Sidney Vaught, Roanoke

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  1. I was looking at an online issue when I responded to this, however, checking again, the article I referenced was actually in 2009 and not 2010. So I was responding to an article a year later but talking about the Tea Party rally on July 4, 2010. That being said, what I said about the Tea Party’s projection of 5,000 people was correct for 2010.

  2. The fact that the hoped for number of people did not attend the July 4th freedom celebration, says more about the apathy of the citizens than the goals of the Tea Party movement.

    Mr. Vaught should research his subject before writing his misguided opinions.

    Mr. Vaught must be “scared to death” by the Rule of Constitutional Law, National Sovereignty, Limited Government based on the 10th Amendment, Private Property rights, Free Market economics – all the things that guarantee us our individual liberties.
    I think he is actually afraid of the individual responsibilities that come with these rights.

    For too long, average Americans were too busy to take care to protect our freedoms. We trusted politicians and felt patriotic because we voted Democrat or Republican. We didn’t do our research either. We are now reaping the results of our neglect and as taxes and unemployment rise we will forever regret this neglect. I pray our children and grandchildren will forgive us.

  3. I’m not scared to death about the Rule of Constitutional Law; just how the Tea Party will pervert it.

    I do believe the NAACP pretty much hit the nail on the head this week about the Tea Party.

  4. @Mary B:

    I did look at the Roanoke Tea Party side and it seems to me the Roanoke Tea Party is saying:

    “We’re not racists, we have several black friends.”

    Yeah, right, lady, you really convinced me….cracker anyone?

    btw: It seems you have fears of being exposed since you are not using your full name. Oh how easy it is to spout your rhetoric anonymously.

  5. Who are the racists?

    When Kenneth Gladney, a black conservative activist was brutally beaten by SEIU thugs at a protest outside of Rep. Russ Carnahan’s office, the NAACP and the liberal left refused to intervene. To the contrary, at an NAACP press conference in St. Louis in May, Gladney was referred to as a “negro,” an “Uncle Tom,” and someone not worthy of the protection of the NAACP, because he’s working for the “other side.” The NAACP has defended the thugs who beat Gladney, and at the press conference, money was raised for the defense of the “brothers.” The race card played once again, this time in confusing fashion, against an African American who was deemed “not black enough,” and found himself on the wrong side of the NAACP thought police.

  6. I too have had friends who have been beaten and/or killed for just being who they are. Unfortunately that is a very dark side of our times and we seem to have some common ground here with people we know who have been persecuted for their opinion or who they are, etc.

    However; I do know quite a few Tea Party members, through aquaintances, who have joined the Tea Party movement in the hopes of finding other racists to network with and in their words they joined…”to get that ing voted out of office once and for all!!” They were of course referring to President Obama.

    That commentator from Fox New, believe it or not, did have a good suggestion that the upper echelon of the Tea Party needs to denounce racism within their ranks of their organization, be it either in controlling positions or just their followers. That’s the only way the Tea Party is going to live down the “racist” label especially after the demonstrations of Tea Party followers in recent history.

    They also need to talk with their demonstrators and tell them to watch what they scream out at people no matter how emotionally charged the situation gets.

    If the Tea Party is unaware of these racist factions in their numbers, they have more problems than just trying to take over the various levels of government in this country.

    Instead of lashing out against people who are questioning the integrity of the Tea Party, perhaps the Tea Party needs to start looking on the inside.

  7. Correct….

    However; I do know quite a few Tea Party members, through aquaintances, who have joined the Tea Party movement in the hopes of finding other racists to network with and in their words they joined…”to get that (f-word)ing (n-word) voted out of office once and for all!!” They were of course referring to President Obama.

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