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Dr. Charles Fuller Believes It’s All In God’s Time

Dr. Charles Fuller and wife Carol.

Just as surely as the Norfolk Southern steam whistle has blown at 12 noon downtown since time immemorial, Roanokers, as well as people in up to 19 surrounding counties, came to expect to hear “God’s Minute” at high noon, just before the daily newscasts on many radio and TV stations. Dr. Charles G. Fuller, then Pastor of Roanoke’s First Baptist Church, was the host of the on-air vignettes that sought to invoke thought, inspire, and ultimately direct listeners to the gospel message.

For 27 years, God’s Minute was on the air in Roanoke, challenging people to see life in a new way, often taking ordinary experiences and re-focusing them through the perspective of the Bible.  Each God’s Minute’s quick unfolding and familiar cadence made it easy to take in; for many, over time, it meant a changed life—and sometimes, a saved life.

Fuller once received a letter from a man who said he was parked on the Blue Ridge Parkway, with a pistol in his lap, contemplating suicide.  “God’s Minute” came on the air on his car radio and God used the brief message to change his mind about ending his life and to start over again.

Just last month, Fuller  published his first book, titled “Give Him Time,” a daily devotional which is largely a compilation of edited scripts used for the God’s Minute broadcasts, along with some new material. He will be having a book signing at Lifeway Christian Bookstores at Valley View on Saturday May 1 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Lifeway manager Dwayne French said that “we are always pleased to be able to do this, especially for our local authors.”

Those familiar with the God’s Minute broadcasts will likely recognize many of the narratives used in the book. The writing evokes a friendly feel, occasionally with a light approach, as if the reader is heading down a water park chute with the inevitable splash (into truth) just seconds ahead. “God’s Half Hour,” Fuller’s taped sermons, is still being broadcast on some stations and on short-wave around the world today.

Although this is his first  solo endeavor, Fuller has been a “contributing author to eight books,” and in the 60’s co-authored a book, “For Building,” with his first wife Pat, that combined his sermons with her poetry, using the piece as a fundraiser for one of the church’s new  buildings. The book was well-received, in part because it was linked with the “cause” of the building, according to Fuller.

As longtime pastor of First Baptist’s large congregation, Fuller became somewhat of a community icon. He was also active in Southern Baptist life nationally; his role as Chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention Peace Committee–convened to  address the conflict between the moderate and conservative groups within the convention—garnered Fuller the respect of both sides, a testament to his leadership abilities.

Today, Fuller has been retired for over ten years and is in his late seventies.  Along with a little more gray, the years have brought a more palpable serenity, a contagious sense of heightened humility, and a quiet yet tenacious focus on being obedient and using the gifts he has. He continues to receive invitations to preach; he leads a men’s Bible study; he leads a worship service at “The Warehouse” in Penhook once a month; he encourages and mentors other pastors who call upon him.  One of his most fulfilling investments is working in his son’s ministry, “Answering The Call.”

He also has a website, which is intended to further expand his ministry in an effort to reach others for Christ. Fuller explains that “The ‘time’ theme came after the choice of “God’s Minute” for a title to the daily, one-minute vignettes.  The 30 minute broadcasts of sermons was like a sequel.  Other ‘time’ themes then just fell into place.  A passage of Scripture is fitting, ‘Behold now is the acceptable time, behold now is the day of salvation’ (II Corinthians 6: 2b).”

He also observes that with time comes the ability to come alongside others in their moments of need. “It is so very important to me that in the accumulation of years, the Lord gives you so many different kinds of experiences…You are a help because of your experiences [which] helps to qualify you to speak to other people and answer questions.” He points out that this authenticity is so valuable; it is frustrating when “people say they know how you feel when they actually do not.”

He credits many who encouraged him to consider becoming an author, especially his wife Carol, who has worked hard behind the scenes; “she really has put energy into it…she just threw herself into the project, which took the better part of a year,” remarks Fuller.  He admits to thinking about another book, which will likely follow a sermonic theme, into which he would feed his personal experiences.

When asked why he did not write sooner, Fuller says that he always saw himself as “more preacher than writer,” viewing it as his first calling. He adds that “preaching is a love of mine; as Jeremiah said regarding God’s message, ‘It is burning in me like a fire in my bones and I could not keep it in.’” He adds that if “the Lord put a gift in you, He didn’t put it in you for you not to use it.”

The decades of ministry Fuller was involved in were blessed and multiplied, but he also comments that “I have to be honest, there were things I did not do well.” He adds that “above all, it is important to finish well. The world is not so much interested in learning what it is to be a Christian when life is going right and all is well. But the world IS interested to know what difference it makes to be a Christian when your world falls apart.”

Fuller is grateful when he describes how “it has been encouraging for people to see me these days and say ‘thank you for all those years we got to see and hear God’s Minute.’” It would appear that “Give Him Time” breathes new life into Fuller’s ministries that began those many years ago, but in reality that ministry has been ongoing, albeit in different ways, and at different times, all along.


“Give Him Time” will be available at Lifeway Christian Bookstores for the book signing and is currently available online at The book signing will be held Sat. May 1 from 11 to 1. For more information, visit

By Cheryl Hodges
[email protected]

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  1. Quoting Pastor Fuller, “I have to be honest, there were things I did not do well.” I wonder if one of those things was marital fidelity to his dying first wife? Does this man deserve forgiveness? Absolutly, but to bury this fact from this story is dangerous to all who hold ministers of the gospel to a higher standard, which they should be.

  2. I have seen this man do truly great things through God.
    Once he picked a troubled soul out from deep within the entire 3,000 congregation and I would swear laid hands on him as he left the Church to help heal him. There are many many good works that have been done by this man that you know nothing about. I would speak up for him until after the end of days.

    God Bless

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