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Stuart Revercomb

STUART REVERCOMB: Why All The Vaccine Judgement?

A Few Simple Statistics:- Out of 333,378,983 people in the United States (on Sept. 23 2021) an estimated 677,086* have died with Covid-19. (CDC) This means presently the average...

STUART REVERCOMB: Think For Yourself

Here are some Covid statistics based on age:For those age 50 and under there have...

STUART REVERCOMB: Pepsi Joins Coke in Leading The Great Corporate Divide

I was just told to "Dig in and support black owned restaurants" by the Pepsi...

STUART REVERCOMB: Why Not Just Listen To The Officer?

You see flashing blue lights behind you so you take the time to find a...

STUART REVERCOMB: A Little Disney Never Hurt Anyone – Or Has It?

Hot off the press: "Disney Slaps ‘Offensive Content’ Label On The Muppet Show."Disney has decided...

STUART REVERCOMB: Little Fish – Big Problem

Most people have no idea how big a role menhaden play in their diet. They’ve never eaten one but they’ve eaten plenty of things...


As great a development as the internet has been for humanity, it – like all “progress” - has its downside. And like most technology...

STUART REVERCOMB: 247 Words . . .

How would you have liked to open up for Abraham Lincoln in Gettysburg on Nov 19, 1863?Somebody had to, so why not one Edward...

STUART REVERCOMB: Who Are Our Story Tellers?

My wife and I have been lamenting the cost of our television / internet package for years now. I know, I know – it...

STUART REVERCOMB: A Few Questions If You Please

In a short bit of writing on the subject of the Christian season of Lent Frederick Buechner asks the following questions. With no small...

God of The Very Unexpected

1 SAMUEL 15:34-16:13  2 CORINTHIANS 5:6-10, 16-17I was speaking with a friend lately about the incredibly amazing nature of scripture – how you can...