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Preacher's Corner

Called To What?

SECOND READING HEBREWS 5:1-10 / GOSPEL MARK 10:35-45Well there’s that name again: “Melchizedek.” Even those who are fairly good at dwelling in their bibles as much as possible are only...

Staying Open To The Impossible

FIRST READING ISAIAH 25:6-9 SECOND READINGS:  REVELATION 21:1-6A / GOSPEL JOHN 11:32-44 I am always amazed at...

Boldly We Go

FIRST READING JOB 23:1-9, 16-17 / SECOND READING HEBREWS 4:12-16  I think that generally speaking modern men...

Not As It Should Be

FIRST READING JOB 1:1, 2:1-10 / GOSPEL MARK 10:2-16 Our Old Testament scripture today gives us this...

The Great Escape

PSALM 124:1-8 / SECOND READING JAMES 5:13-20 Have you ever made a seriously “great escape” in your...

Answering the Call

FIRST READING JONAH 3:1-5, 10 / GOSPEL MARK 1:14-20Well – for all his fits and starts Jonah turned out to be a whole lot better...

The Secret Places

FIRST READING 1 SAMUEL 3:1-10 (11-20) / GOSPEL JOHN 1:43-51 Eli clearly had made some mistakes in life . . . But you have to give...

No Time For Jesus

FIRST READING GENESIS 1:1-5  SECOND READING ACTS 19:1-7 It’s all kind of crazy isn’t it? I mean life . . . The fact that we...

A Little Patience Please?

“I want a little patience please and I want it now!” So goes the old humorous expression a very dear friend of mine barks...

Stay Awake!

Stay Awake!! Ha! Maybe I should give that command at the beginning of every sermon! I’m not sure it would help though . ....

Image Is Everything – Stuart Revercomb

Remember the old commercial with Tennis Star Andre Agassi that featured the key line “Image is everything?” It was a big hit for both...