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Virginia Animal Shelters Reduce Adoption Fees in December

With the holiday season upon us, no pet should have to be without a family to call their own. To ensure pets get a chance to go from shelter...

TSA Shares Three Helpful Packing Tips Ahead of Thanksgiving

The Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving will be very busy at Transportation Security Administration (TSA)...

Modern Wood Dining Tables: Timeless Elegance for Contemporary Homes

A modern wood dining table is an essential piece for those looking to blend timeless...

Bailey Declares Candidacy for Hollins Supervisor Seat

The calendar had barely flipped to the new year when a local businessman declared his...

Republican VP Candidate Paul Ryan “We Did Build It”

- By Valerie Garner  Political analyst Dr. Bob Denton was impressed by Republican VP candidate...

Griffith Kicks Off Reelection Campaign

by Valerie Garner Lake Spring Park is 9th district Republican Congressman Morgan Griffith’s favorite place. “This is where I started working,” he said. With...

Warner Frustrated With House Stalling “Must Do” Federal Transportation Bill

by Valerie Garner The already strained transportation funding in Virginia is “going to be exacerbated by the federal government,” said Virginia’s U.S. Senator Mark...

Legislative Breakfast Mood Mirrors Richmond

by Valerie Garner The tension in Richmond for the most part did not openly carry over to Friday’s 2012 legislative breakfast,  though one could...

Eminent Domain Amendment to Go Before Voters

by Valerie Garner The eminent domain amendment that will go before voters in November is a hot button issue for the Virginia Municipal League...