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Keith McCurdy

KEITH McCURDY: No Time for Chores?

I hear this complaint from parents on a regular basis….”Johnny just doesn’t have any time for chores.” Not only is this a testament to just how busy we have...

Parenting 911….HELP!

“It’s an unfortunate time of year” quoted a parent recently, commenting on the first nine...

Teen Curfew Leads to Detachment

Summer is here and hundreds of new teenage drivers are hitting the streets with new...

Grumbling is an Opportunity for Growth

A common question asked by many parents is “How can I get my child to...

Social Media….Not!

I just spent the weekend with a bunch of Boy Scouts and leaders in the...

Too Much Stuff Before Its Time

It is a common theme today to talk about not “spoiling” our children with too many things.  While it may very well be true...

Coming to Maturity In the Modern World

It is so difficult today to evaluate what we consider a mature child.  Yet it has only been in the last 75 years...

Does the School Environment Really Matter?

I am asked regularly why my children attend a Christian School.  In large part due to my profession, I can easily begin listing...

Psychology is Not the Answer

 I was asked recently by a parent why we still have so many mental health issues with children and families when we have...

What is Accountability?

 One of the most frustrating and misunderstood concepts in parenting today is accountability.  A parent’s view on this can set the tone for...

We Need a Few More Sturdy Kids

What has happened to all of the sturdy kids?  You know the ones.  They are not cocky or arrogant but have this sense...