John Robinson

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Dream Machine

Best I can figure, I’ve been using the same alarm clock since about 1982. The same one, just about every night since then. Huh. It’s one of those common old...

Walking With Friends – Through Chemo and Beyond

It’s 6:00 AM, pitch dark and cold. I’m in front of my house stretching my...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: Walking With Friends – Through Chemo and Beyond

It’s 6:00 AM, pitch dark and cold. I’m in front of my house stretching my...

Playing on The Railroad Tracks

My Aunt Flip and Uncle Walter lived in a small white frame house right smack...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Many Joys of Backyard Picnicking

In the warmer months we ate dinner on the picnic table in our backyard almost...

Catching The Gingerbread Man

I never knew ahead of time that we were going there. Besides, I was just a little kid. Mom would pull into the Towers...

Its Amazing What You Can Do In A Day

      I crack my eyes open in time to see a water tower as it flies by the drizzle-streaked window. Proudly emblazoned on it are...

The Arrowhead

The finely-tooled notch is what caught my eye on the frigid January day. My wife and son and I are hiking on a lonely...

Summer at Boss’s Cabin

     My cousins and I would fashion fishing equipment with safety pins tied to cotton string on a stick, and we used squished-up...

Memories of Mill Mountain Zoo

by John Robinson I can hear it now: the cheerfully wailing whistle, and the chug of the "Zoo Choo" as it circled the perimeter...

Adventures in Bush Dentistry

by John Robinson My dad Fuller and I are both dentists and we have just arrived in Chintatinga, a small bush village in the...