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Dick Baynton

STUART REVERCOMB: We Will Greatly Miss The Indefatigable Dick Baynton

EDITOR'S UPDATE:Three days after sending the note that follows (March 17 - his last communication with us) Dick passed away while awaiting the possible surgery he mentions below. Per...

DICK BAYNTON: March Public Service Announcements

Following are two public service announcements that were forwarded to members of the ‘Big Lick...

DICK BAYNTON: Healthcare U.S.A.

The total cost of healthcare in the US was about 18% of GDP in 2019;...

DICK BAYNTON: Life and Death In Idlib Province, Syria

Syria, about the size of North Dakota with a population of about 17 million people...

DICK BAYNTON: Political Sophistry

Recently I heard one of the current band of presidential candidates whine that he had...

DICK BAYNTON: Fossil Fuels – Past and Future

Among the many extreme conditions being proposed by the liberal left is the elimination of fossil fuels, also called petroleum, crude oil, coal and...

DICK BAYNTON: Patriotism, Socialism & Naiveté

Recently, Bernie Sanders of Vermont declared his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America. This should be a surprise to no...

DICK BAYNTON: Broken What?

Day after day and year after year, we hear that our immigration system is broken. The two houses of Congress debate the topic and...

DICK BAYNTON: The Dichotomies of Despair

Politicians are highly adept at sanctimoniously selecting comparable issues that are incomparable. For example, it was Nancy Pelosi that stated that walls are immoral....

DICK BAYNTON: The Adversity of Diversity

According to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) published in March 2018, there are 45.6 million immigrants, legal and illegal, living in the...

DICK BAYNTON: The Problem of Power

Presidents, Governors, Prime Ministers and legislators accumulate power by (usually) winning elections to perform services for fellow citizens. Becoming one of the above-mentioned leaders...