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Dick Baynton

STUART REVERCOMB: We Will Greatly Miss The Indefatigable Dick Baynton

EDITOR'S UPDATE:Three days after sending the note that follows (March 17 - his last communication with us) Dick passed away while awaiting the possible surgery he mentions below. Per...

DICK BAYNTON: March Public Service Announcements

Following are two public service announcements that were forwarded to members of the ‘Big Lick...

DICK BAYNTON: Healthcare U.S.A.

The total cost of healthcare in the US was about 18% of GDP in 2019;...

DICK BAYNTON: Life and Death In Idlib Province, Syria

Syria, about the size of North Dakota with a population of about 17 million people...

DICK BAYNTON: Political Sophistry

Recently I heard one of the current band of presidential candidates whine that he had...

DICK BAYNTON: Unaccountability Propagates Corruption

Most of us believe that the Grand Canyon is the biggest chasm in the United States. Here’s a surprise; there is a yawning gap...

DICK BAYNTON: Who is Our Greatest Menace?

Did you hear about the British picket ship firing a missile across the bow of one of our aircraft carriers in international waters? Did...

DICK BAYNTON: A Hollow Legacy

Legacies are created by the pentagonal convergence of inspiration, perspiration, dedication, intuition and completion. Legacies, it seems, arise from the application of theories, the...

Our Great Nation: From Dedication to Degradation

Now we know.  The FBI, The Supreme Court, the President of the United States and the Attorney General have all been inducted into the...

DICK BAYNTON: Leading From Behind is Craven

Excluding conspiracy theories, it is probable that at least part of the world’s problems is because of our strategy of ‘leading from behind.’ The...

DICK BAYNTON: The New Realities

Here are some items that are newsworthy but rarely get front page headlines or coverage and may be announced by TV anchors and radio...