Dick Baynton
STUART REVERCOMB: We Will Greatly Miss The Indefatigable Dick Baynton
EDITOR'S UPDATE:Three days after sending the note that follows (March 17 - his last communication with us) Dick passed away while awaiting the possible surgery he mentions below. Per...
DICK BAYNTON: March Public Service Announcements
Following are two public service announcements that were forwarded to members of the ‘Big Lick...
DICK BAYNTON: Healthcare U.S.A.
The total cost of healthcare in the US was about 18% of GDP in 2019;...
DICK BAYNTON: Life and Death In Idlib Province, Syria
Syria, about the size of North Dakota with a population of about 17 million people...
DICK BAYNTON: Political Sophistry
Recently I heard one of the current band of presidential candidates whine that he had...
DICK BAYNTON: Roanoke City Jail: Self-Imposed Death Sentences
One of our readers of this column sent an E-Mail message recently pointing out that the Roanoke City Jail was reportedly where an inordinate...
Dick Baynton: Education is Located in ‘The Swamp’
As mentioned in last week’s column, education is the foundation of free and creative thought and the source of fresh ideas and concepts that...
Dick Baynton: The Illusion of Good Governance
Federal government consists of three branches; Executive (President), Legislative (Senate & House of Representatives) and Judicial (the federal court system topped by The Supreme...
Dick Baynton: Fairness and Equality
What does fair mean? How can the word equality be defined? The answer to these questions is certain: the definition of ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’...
DICK BAYNTON: Charlottesville; Where Modern Day Gladiators Met
On Saturday August 12th Charlottesville, VA was the scene of demonstrations and street fighting causing the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuries to...
DICK BAYNTON: The Maelstrom of Mismanagement
There are myriad retirement plans, both government and private industry that cover millions of workers who toil during their working years to create a...