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Dick Baynton

STUART REVERCOMB: We Will Greatly Miss The Indefatigable Dick Baynton

EDITOR'S UPDATE:Three days after sending the note that follows (March 17 - his last communication with us) Dick passed away while awaiting the possible surgery he mentions below. Per...

DICK BAYNTON: March Public Service Announcements

Following are two public service announcements that were forwarded to members of the ‘Big Lick...

DICK BAYNTON: Healthcare U.S.A.

The total cost of healthcare in the US was about 18% of GDP in 2019;...

DICK BAYNTON: Life and Death In Idlib Province, Syria

Syria, about the size of North Dakota with a population of about 17 million people...

DICK BAYNTON: Political Sophistry

Recently I heard one of the current band of presidential candidates whine that he had...

DICK BAYNTON: Syria – Holocaust II?

Winston Churchill, speaking on radio in October 1939 said something like this about Russia: It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an...

DICK BAYNTON: Where Is All The Money Going?

Perhaps the most circulated pecuniary currencies in the world are the U.S. dollar, the British pound and the Euro. The Chinese yuan, Japanese yen...

DICK BAYNTON: Loss of Honor

The ‘Founding Fathers’ created a ‘Republic’ that is frequently referred to as a ‘Democracy’; technically speaking it probably doesn’t matter to most of us...


According to current Democratic gospel, voters will flock to the polls in the next couple elections and cast their votes for a tsunami of...

DICK BAYNTON: The Causes and Consequences of Migration

The Berlin Wall was built starting on August 13th, 1961 and its destruction began on November 9th, 1989. The real purpose of the wall...

DICK BAYNTON: Has Truth Become Irrelevant?

Kelvin Lyles of Atlanta, GA along with several hundred cohorts (by proxy) stole personal ID’s and produced illicit income amounting to about $350,000. The...