Dick Baynton
STUART REVERCOMB: We Will Greatly Miss The Indefatigable Dick Baynton
EDITOR'S UPDATE:Three days after sending the note that follows (March 17 - his last communication with us) Dick passed away while awaiting the possible surgery he mentions below. Per...
DICK BAYNTON: March Public Service Announcements
Following are two public service announcements that were forwarded to members of the ‘Big Lick...
DICK BAYNTON: Healthcare U.S.A.
The total cost of healthcare in the US was about 18% of GDP in 2019;...
DICK BAYNTON: Life and Death In Idlib Province, Syria
Syria, about the size of North Dakota with a population of about 17 million people...
DICK BAYNTON: Political Sophistry
Recently I heard one of the current band of presidential candidates whine that he had...
Dick Baynton: Poverty, Prosperity and PPP
According the World Bank and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) there are 767 million children in the world that live in...
All actions have results; the recent ‘mid-term’ election is no exception. The presidential election will occur in two years and some senators were not...
DICK BAYNTON: Get Out and Vote
Tuesday, November 6th is the day we will vote to remove elected politicians that a majority feels are not doing a good job. We...
DICK BAYNTON: The Sucker Punch
A sucker punch is when a person is struck with a blow when it was least expected. Right now, today and for the past...
It is a truism that every baby born into the world is equal to every other person in the world at the instant of...
DICK BAYNTON: Virtue & Victims
What is emerging in politics is counterfeit virtue and real victims. Virtue is now an intellectual commodity that can be mauled and manipulated into...