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Dennis Garvin

DENNIS GARVIN: Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Allowed

I have been seeing the Rev. Henry for some years now. Twice a year the reverend appears, stooped with age, shuffling into my office with the bemused expression of...

DENNIS GARVIN: Dogs, Cats . . . And God

Let's consider dogs and cats. They are the two commonest animal groups that are domesticated...

DENNIS GARVIN: Empress Pelosi Explained

I must confess to some confusion about the behavior of Nancy Pelosi in her role...

DENNIS GARVIN: The Hospital Volunteer

He is an old guy, below average height and above average weight. The parking lot...

DENNIS GARVIN: Abortion and “Hypocrirony”

I have a neologism, a ‘new word.’  HYPOCRIRONY combines hypocrisy and irony. Here is the...

Of Tarantulas and Scorpions

Tarantulas and scorpions get a bad rap.  The stuff of nightmares, their Hollywood portrayals are never beneficent.  Everyone knows they are lethal. Tarantulas are large,...

A Modern Modest Proposal

In earlier commentaries, I had bemoaned the failure of feminism to bring any degree of civility and restraint into public discourse.  Female activists had...

The Modern Day Zealot

This word derives from the Greek  zelotes which means ‘emulator’ or ‘follower’.  As a formal term, we first encounter zealots in the Bible (Simon...

It Takes a Village To Raise A Child

What a wonderful sentiment! It is warm and fuzzy and conjures up visions of a Norman Rockwell town with a little red schoolhouse, smiling...

SILLY SCIENCE IV – Government, Madison Avenue and Wall Street

While my initial purpose in writing this series on ‘silly science’ was to tease the scientific atheists, I would be remiss if I ignored...

Silly Science Part III

There was a skit on the Monty Python comedy show back in the 1980’s. It began with a huge Greek statue of a man....