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Dennis Garvin

DENNIS GARVIN: Some Things Just Shouldn’t Be Allowed

I have been seeing the Rev. Henry for some years now. Twice a year the reverend appears, stooped with age, shuffling into my office with the bemused expression of...

DENNIS GARVIN: Dogs, Cats . . . And God

Let's consider dogs and cats. They are the two commonest animal groups that are domesticated...

DENNIS GARVIN: Empress Pelosi Explained

I must confess to some confusion about the behavior of Nancy Pelosi in her role...

DENNIS GARVIN: The Hospital Volunteer

He is an old guy, below average height and above average weight. The parking lot...

DENNIS GARVIN: Abortion and “Hypocrirony”

I have a neologism, a ‘new word.’  HYPOCRIRONY combines hypocrisy and irony. Here is the...

Not So Much Fun With Prophecy

Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion…                                                                         Admiral James ‘Ace’ Lyons Political correctness can be so entertaining but it also influences otherwise intelligent...

The Problem With ‘Focus’ And Special Interest Groups

Our country has always had to deal with special interest groups.  In the Revolutionary War, it was Patriots versus Loyalists.  In the new republic...

The Eviction of The Almighty

EVICTION NOTICE TO: God, also known as ‘Heavenly Father’; ‘Creator’; ‘Intelligent Designer’, ‘Father Figure of the Trinity’; other aliases and DBA notwithstanding. FROM: Supreme Court of the...

The Un-blinding of Lady Justice

Consider Lady Justice, rendered in statue.  Derived from the Roman goddess of justice, her artistic representations, aside from the abstract fringe depictions, is that...

Beware Ambivalence

Ambivalence is what you feel when your teenage daughter comes home at three in the morning carrying a Gideon Bible. -    Attributed to Gov....

Reflections of A Former Darwinist

I am a reasonably educated man.  Valedictorian of my college class, honors graduate of medical school, product of a surgical subspecialty training program ranked...