MELINDA MYERS: Be A Weather Watching Gardener
Each gardening season seems to offer new growing challenges. Our gardens are exposed to more drastic and variable weather with changing weather patterns. Floods, droughts, wind, temperature extremes, and...
BOB BROWN: Suspension of Critical Judgment
The Sheriff of a nearby county, before DNA identification was available, urgently requested the assistance...
SCOTT DREYER: A Trump Supporter Explains Her Reasonings
Below are comments from a friend who wishes to remain anonymous, for employment reasons, on...
DAWN CUSTALOW: “It’s Not Complicated – Just Love The One In Front of You . . .”
As a nation, we have been in shock and disbelief as we grieve the recent...
SCOTT DREYER: 2024 In Review, “The Year The Fever Broke” (Part 2)
Part 1, for January-July, is here.AUGUSTDemocrats had their convention in Chicago. They took the grotesque,...
Shy as a Violet?
Whoever coined the phrase “shy as a violet” must have had little experience with that delicate denizen of the woods and meadows. My recent...
Preacher’s Corner: Celebrating All That We Have
Gosh, the time has so rapidly come and gone. Just five years ago on June 14th my family and I celebrated our 1st Sunday...
Extension Connection: A Simple and Delicious Way to Enjoy Seasonal Foods
Last weekend I purchased “Roasting Vegetables in a Bag” from a farmer’s market. In the bag were kale leaves, new potatoes, kohlrabi, green...
A Father’s Day Poem For Dad
For all the times you made me hold that darned ladder;
For all the times you said, "if you throw that tennis racquet again, we're...
Hey Coach! No One’s Calling Me Back…
A dad and I have been emailing recently. He’s extremely involved in his daughter’s recruiting. I believe he’s at the point where he may...
The Joy of Still Livin’ in Roanoke
Whenever I run into him on the trails of Mill Mountain we chat for a few minutes. I admire his old dog. We let...