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FRED FIRST: My Wee Musical Man-Cave

Digital Tones and Frets and Reeds: Oh My!A month ago this small room behind me was just my office. Now it is also my music room.I see this as...

SERWAN ZANGANA: FISA Continues to Allow Spying on American / Foreign Citizens

The U.S House and Senate voted to reauthorize the surveillance program, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act...

RANDY HUFF: Estate Sales, Letting Go, and Hope

I see the yard and trees and driveway through the window and I wonder if...

Roanoke Voters Will Need to Let The Current Council Out and A New Council In

What a surprise, another shooting on Sunday morning in Roanoke City! Indeed no, it is...

FRED FIRST: Still is Still Moving . . .

We just don't quite know when the VAN will be at the door THE RECAPThe storyline...

MIKE KEELER: Honor The Herb . . .

With Earth Day coming up, I scrolled through the archives looking for past stories about nature, and I found a lot of them. In...

FRED FIRST: Earth Day 2070 – Leopold’s Land Ethic As If Earth Mattered

Finally, in April, the year truly begins. In every shade of green and gold, buds burst into leaf and flower. Bees buzz, birds nest,...

SCOTT DREYER: 12 Great Reasons To Pay Your Taxes By Today

In normal years, the IRS tax deadline is April 15, but in case you haven't noticed, 2023 is no normal year! Since April 15...

DEVOTIONAL: “Trust The Women”

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the...

SERWAN ZANGANA: Sens. Warner/Kaine Show At Greenway Bridge A Distraction From Looming Crises

The visit from Virginia’s two Democrat Senators, Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, at Roanoke’s Smith Park and their announcement of $2.5 million in federal...

MIKE KEELER: Welcome To Taxation Nation

You’re probably pretty grumpy right about now. And I’m here to explain why.The Founding Fathers were apprehensive from the beginning. They had just broken...