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MORGAN GRIFFITH: A Very Problematic Healthcare Hack

Our country is experiencing a massive shift in technology. Our daily activities often revolve around computers and smartphones.Our Information Technology (IT) infrastructure grows daily. But so do the threats...

MIKE KEELER: One Big Bottle of DUH

Let us now praise the pandemic.It was poetic that on the 50th Anniversary of Earth...

FRED FIRST: My Wee Musical Man-Cave

Digital Tones and Frets and Reeds: Oh My!A month ago this small room behind me...

SERWAN ZANGANA: FISA Continues to Allow Spying on American / Foreign Citizens

The U.S House and Senate voted to reauthorize the surveillance program, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act...

RANDY HUFF: Estate Sales, Letting Go, and Hope

I see the yard and trees and driveway through the window and I wonder if...

Adopt a Cat … in June

June is the American Humane Association’s Adopt-A-Cat Month, chosen because each year thousands of kittens are born in spring and summer. Many end up...

Goodlatte Reintroduces Legislation Saying that Judicial Decisions Shouldn’t be Based on Foreign Court Rulings

Congressman Goodlatte reintroduced legislation which says that judicial decisions should not be based on any foreign laws, court decisions, or pronouncements of foreign...

Commentary: Taking Stock in United States Motors

If you are an owner, an investor, a supplier, or an employee of General Motors Corp., I am willing to bet that you...

Recipe from the Happy Chef: Best Ever Blueberry Cobbler & Fresh Lemonade

Memorial Day weekend is here! All the pools are opening, the camping gear is breaking out of its garage storage and hopefully warmer...

Preacher’s Corner: Circumstantial Evidence

I’m no lawyer, but I know circumstantial evidence when I see it, especially when it comes to the circumstances of faith. Simply put,...

Newfoundland Awaits

It’s a six-hour ferry ride from North Sydney to Port-aux-Basque. The schedule is sporadic in the summer, and non-existent the remainder of the year....