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MELINDA MYERS: Be A Weather Watching Gardener

Each gardening season seems to offer new growing challenges. Our gardens are exposed to more drastic and variable weather with changing weather patterns. Floods, droughts, wind, temperature extremes, and...

BOB BROWN: Suspension of Critical Judgment

The Sheriff of a nearby county, before DNA identification was available, urgently requested the assistance...

SCOTT DREYER: A Trump Supporter Explains Her Reasonings

Below are comments from a friend who wishes to remain anonymous, for employment reasons, on...

DAWN CUSTALOW: “It’s Not Complicated – Just Love The One In Front of You . . .”

As a nation, we have been in shock and disbelief as we grieve the recent...

SCOTT DREYER: 2024 In Review, “The Year The Fever Broke” (Part 2)

Part 1, for January-July, is here.AUGUSTDemocrats had their convention in Chicago. They took the grotesque,...

Green Flames and Solar Salamanders: Evidence of Evolution At-Large

by H. Bruce Rinker, Ph.D.Earlier this spring, science writer Connie Barlow sent me an e-mail about an awe-inspiring scientific discovery.  Scientists in Uruguay...

Welcome to the United States of Diversity

by Mike KeelerOK, kids!  Time for a geography pop quiz:  where in the world are the following cities, and what do they have...

A Husband’s Diary – Entry #2177

by Lucky GarvinFrom years age: Herself is a bit tired of mortgage banking and wants a new job.  She would love to be...

Troubles and Joy On the Road to Santa Theresa

by John Robinson“Push! Come on, puuusssssh; keep…. it.…moving.”  Thomas, Jim, and I strain at the bumper of the "Bandierante," our truck. If we can...

The “Chreaster” Christian by Stuart Revercomb

Recently, I asked a friend of my daughters what church she went to and received the following reply: "We go to 'So and...

Recipe of the Week: Basil and Tomato Baked Eggs

When I think of what to prepare for Easter breakfast or lunch or dinner I obviously feel the desire for the meals to...