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SERWAN ZANGANA: Is There Any Hope For Roanoke City Council?

Roanoke City Council members returned to their old political game in the Municipal building. Perhaps, the pain from the hit which was the first Republican Council member since 2000,...


“I hate to be the one to tell you ‘I told you so,’ but...”“No, you...

MELINDA MYERS: Be A Weather Watching Gardener

Each gardening season seems to offer new growing challenges. Our gardens are exposed to more...

BOB BROWN: Suspension of Critical Judgment

The Sheriff of a nearby county, before DNA identification was available, urgently requested the assistance...

SCOTT DREYER: A Trump Supporter Explains Her Reasonings

Below are comments from a friend who wishes to remain anonymous, for employment reasons, on...

Bikes And Gravel: A Sure Rite of Passage

by Robert Adcox   The other evening while nosing around the 'net I came across an old photo of a tough-looking Stingray bicycle. For those...

The Most Bang for the Buck

by Hayden Hollingsworth Well, thank goodness we’re through with THAT!  The NBA Finals, of course. Just in case you’ve nodded off during the tedium...

Surprise! Happy 50th Birthday

by Mary Jo ShannonA fiftieth birthday is a true landmark – one-half century – and worthy of special celebration. Loving spouses often plan outlandish...

Recipe of the Week: Habanaro Mango Grilled Shrimp

I have been told I make the best fried shrimp. But I also have been told I make the best fried chicken, fried...

A Letter To My Heavenly Father

by Lucky GarvinABBA, I know it makes no sense to write to You who already knows what I think and feel  better than I...

Beauty and Grace in the Barrios

by John RobinsonThe girl and her little brother look through the bars of the gate, their big brown eyes full of wonder and curiosity....