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FRED FIRST: No Peace With The Winds of Winter

This post revisits a post from 2011 (and originally from maybe 2004) where the wind was the dominant feature of our winter days. This, I might add, was a complaint...

SERWAN ZANGANA: Is There Any Hope For Roanoke City Council?

Roanoke City Council members returned to their old political game in the Municipal building. Perhaps,...


“I hate to be the one to tell you ‘I told you so,’ but...”“No, you...

MELINDA MYERS: Be A Weather Watching Gardener

Each gardening season seems to offer new growing challenges. Our gardens are exposed to more...

BOB BROWN: Suspension of Critical Judgment

The Sheriff of a nearby county, before DNA identification was available, urgently requested the assistance...

The Dog And The Door

by Robert Adcox Most people love adventure, and they love dogs. That's going to come in handy in about a hundred words or so...

Small Cities, Big Ideas

by John Robinson Despite the efforts of many, I have never been one to appreciate poetry like I probably should, but Nikki Giovanni’s got...

From The Older Brother’s Room

“The Roanoke Valley is a great place to raise a family.”  I hear that statement a lot.  As a father to four children...

Will Wars Ever End?

by Hayden Hollingsworth President Obama announced last week that the war in Iraq will end on December 31.  That this came as a surprise...

Celebrating Mediocrity

by Keith McCurdy Recently a friend told me a story about his son’s football banquet.  As my friend put it, they weren’t even close...

A Great Line Can Always Be Improved

by Mike Keeler Take, for example, the Battle of Trafalgar, fought 206 years ago this week.  Horatio Nelson had been ordered to find and...