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MORGAN GRIFFITH: A Very Problematic Healthcare Hack

Our country is experiencing a massive shift in technology. Our daily activities often revolve around computers and smartphones.Our Information Technology (IT) infrastructure grows daily. But so do the threats...

MIKE KEELER: One Big Bottle of DUH

Let us now praise the pandemic.It was poetic that on the 50th Anniversary of Earth...

FRED FIRST: My Wee Musical Man-Cave

Digital Tones and Frets and Reeds: Oh My!A month ago this small room behind me...

SERWAN ZANGANA: FISA Continues to Allow Spying on American / Foreign Citizens

The U.S House and Senate voted to reauthorize the surveillance program, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act...

RANDY HUFF: Estate Sales, Letting Go, and Hope

I see the yard and trees and driveway through the window and I wonder if...

MIKE KEELER: Are You A Wordle-er? There’s Much More Waiting . . .

Let me ask, what puzzle games do you play online? These days everyone’s into Wordle, and some have made the jump to Quordle or...

SCOT BELLAVIA: A Few Observations

Have you watched a movie where all the action happens in the dialogue? Isn’t that like how our worldview develops? Events concretely occur, even...

MELIINDA MYERS: Tomato Troubles

Extreme heat, drought, torrential rains, and hungry critters may be wreaking havoc on your garden. After weeding, watering, and waiting you may be finding...

SERWAN ZANGANA: U.S Women National Team Shows Contempt for America

Do the US Women National team players think that refusing to sing the national anthem at the World Cup is an act of bravery,...

DEVOTIONAL: One Sign You’re On The Right Path…

But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalem’s walls had gone ahead and...

MIKE KEELER: Aww, C’mon Y’all . . .

At a humble sandwich counter at a fishing pier in coastal Carolina, the following conversation takes place:“Can I help you?”“Yes, two BLT’s please.”“Bread?”“Both on...