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DEVOTIONAL: No Room For Antisemitism

You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.  John 4:22 (NIV)Contrasting Himself with our adversary satan, Jesus...

ROBERT L. MARONIC: The Hypocritical Toleration Of Antisemitism

The Hitler Youth Among College And University Presidents If the radical leftist students, who have been...

MELINDA MYERS: Ornamental and Edible Gardens and Containers

Boost the flavor and beauty of your landscape by adding a few ornamental edible plants...

RANDY HUFF: What Could Have Been A Casual Complaint and Casual Accusation

We were walking through the terminal, weary from the flight. Without thought, I voiced the...

DEVOTIONAL: Thanks, Mom!

Her children rise up and call her blessed  -- Prov. 31:28a (ESV) We celebrate Mother's Day...

Leonardo Gives Us More Sci-Ice-Fiction

If you’re going to tell a story about an outdoor adventure you should keep it real. The wilds have enough mystery, drama, romance, and...

Lessons of The Civil War

An odd name for a war in that there was precious little civility in it. Watching the Ken Burns’ magnificent historical documentary, The Civil War,...

Are We Standing on The Trapdoor Already?

In about 10 months, the voters of the United States of America will have the responsibility and privilege of electing a new leader. Because...

The Lusitania and Pixie Dust

The moment was now! It’s 1904, and the curtain was about to go up on the premier theater production of J. M. Barrie’s latest...

Mothering Myself

If all I ever was is Zora’s mama that wouldn’t be enough for me. Although, I could sit and listen to those coos you are...

Start The New Year Right With Resolution

Every holiday throughout the year has traditions. Parades are held in cities and towns on Independence Day, July 4th. Thanksgiving tradition has been bad...