
RANDY HUFF: On Disagreement, Motive and Dealing With The Issue at Hand

Charity can help avoid the mire of polarization Amazing how readily we find fault. Steven Covey said we get our "emotional jollies" by pointing out fault in others. I always...

MELINDA MYERS: Heat-Tolerant Beauties for Gardens and Containers

Boost the summer-long beauty and heat tolerance in your gardens and containers with new varieties...

SERWAN ZANGANA: May God’s Will ALWAYS Overpower My Will

Between God’s will and our free will, our lives continue on earth. The outcome of...

DEVOTIONAL: Eclipses Show God’s Handiwork…And Sense Of Humor?

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. ...

RANDY HUFF: Strolling, Stones and A Better Way

The stroll I often took in my growing up years recently came to mind. We...

DICK BAYNTON: People Who Made a Real Difference II

Andrew Carnegie (11/25/1835 – 8/11/1919) left a path of philanthropy throughout the United States and his home country of Scotland. Born in Dunfermline, Scotland,...

DICK BAYNTON: People Who Made a REAL Difference

The Law School at Arizona State University in Tempe is named after Sandra Day O’Connor, in honor of the first female Justice of the...

DENNIS GARVIN: The Scourge of Betterism

What white people have to do, is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a n_ _...

CAROLINE WATKINS: Land of The Free and Home of The Brave

If you had told me a year ago that I would cast my vote for Donald Trump, I would’ve thought you were stark, raving...

KEITH McCURDY: No Time for Chores?

I hear this complaint from parents on a regular basis….”Johnny just doesn’t have any time for chores.” Not only is this a testament to...

LIZA FIELD: Turning in Your Grave

On no subject are our ideas more warped and pitiable than on death.  —John Muir  Where do we go after dying? The ancient spiritual question has also...