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MORGAN GRIFFITH: A Very Problematic Healthcare Hack

Our country is experiencing a massive shift in technology. Our daily activities often revolve around computers and smartphones.Our Information Technology (IT) infrastructure grows daily. But so do the threats...

MIKE KEELER: One Big Bottle of DUH

Let us now praise the pandemic.It was poetic that on the 50th Anniversary of Earth...

FRED FIRST: My Wee Musical Man-Cave

Digital Tones and Frets and Reeds: Oh My!A month ago this small room behind me...

SERWAN ZANGANA: FISA Continues to Allow Spying on American / Foreign Citizens

The U.S House and Senate voted to reauthorize the surveillance program, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act...

RANDY HUFF: Estate Sales, Letting Go, and Hope

I see the yard and trees and driveway through the window and I wonder if...

Dick Baynton: And The Winner Is . . .

The University of Virginia!!!Around midnight on Monday, April 15th following the many NCAA games in March Madness, the University of Virginia was acclaimed winner...

DICK BAYNTON: Paradise (California)

The city of Paradise, CA has a population of a little less than 30,000 residents. Other U.S. cities of about the same size include,...


I love ‘Paradigm-shift’ stories.Paradigm shift. What does that phrase mean? We hear a body of facts that leads us to conclude one thing, ...

DICK BAYNTON: The Collusion Illusion

On Friday, March 22nd the curtain on the satirical play called ‘The Mueller Investigation’ went up and the players in this parody were exposed....

MIKE KEELER: A Messenger God?

Perhaps you've already heard. About a celestial body who is hot, fast and magnetic. He's emotional and moody, ranging from -280 to +800 degrees...


Politicians, government officials and many others have noted that our nation is divided; some believe by race, some think it’s politics while others believe...