
RANDY HUFF: On Disagreement, Motive and Dealing With The Issue at Hand

Charity can help avoid the mire of polarization Amazing how readily we find fault. Steven Covey said we get our "emotional jollies" by pointing out fault in others. I always...

MELINDA MYERS: Heat-Tolerant Beauties for Gardens and Containers

Boost the summer-long beauty and heat tolerance in your gardens and containers with new varieties...

SERWAN ZANGANA: May God’s Will ALWAYS Overpower My Will

Between God’s will and our free will, our lives continue on earth. The outcome of...

DEVOTIONAL: Eclipses Show God’s Handiwork…And Sense Of Humor?

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. ...

RANDY HUFF: Strolling, Stones and A Better Way

The stroll I often took in my growing up years recently came to mind. We...

MELINDA MYERS: Cool and Refreshing – Cucumbers

Add a cool refreshing twist to your meals, beverages, appetizers, and snacks with cucumbers.  These popular vegetables are grown worldwide, adding anti-inflammatory vitamin K,...

SCOTT DREYER: Use What You Have 

“Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.”   --2...

SCOT BELLAVIA: People in Suits and Human Nature

During my quarter-life crisis, a phase from which I still carry residual angst, I developed a hatred of authority. Professors and employers alike were...

MIKE KEELER: Sing Us A Song, Piano Men

Here’s a little post-pandemic musical realization. When springtime finally comes and it’s warm enough to go out in your garage and pore through the...


Grief comes to those of us who have buried loved ones. And even though there is talk of the “stages of grief” and finding...

ALISHA BREWER NELSON: If You Run, They Will Chase You

I was standing on a high point of our mountain property recently, enjoying the view, feeling the cool wind on my face,  looking around...