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FRED FIRST: Still is Still Moving . . .

We just don't quite know when the VAN will be at the door THE RECAPThe storyline for the past 6 months has been the tale of our discovery that living...

RANDY HUFF: On Disagreement, Motive and Dealing With The Issue at Hand

Charity can help avoid the mire of polarizationAmazing how readily we find fault. Steven Covey...

MELINDA MYERS: Heat-Tolerant Beauties for Gardens and Containers

Boost the summer-long beauty and heat tolerance in your gardens and containers with new varieties...

SERWAN ZANGANA: May God’s Will ALWAYS Overpower My Will

Between God’s will and our free will, our lives continue on earth. The outcome of...

DEVOTIONAL: Eclipses Show God’s Handiwork…And Sense Of Humor?

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. ...

SCOT BELLAVIA: Pet Insurance

I swear I’m not an animal person, but here I am shopping for pet insurance.I even used to be scared of dogs and was...

DEVOTIONAL: Comparison is the Thief of Joy

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with...

SW VA, Nation Celebrate 400th Thanksgiving

"… Let them therefore praise the Lord, because He is good, and His mercies endure forever. Yea, let them that have been redeemed of...

SCOTT DREYER: Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation Declaring Thanksgiving a National Holiday

Many of us associate Thanksgiving with turkey and football, but why do we celebrate it in November? And why is it always on a...

SCOTT DREYER: When I Learned What Thanksgiving Is About

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.          -- Psalm 136:1 Most people probably associate...

DEVOTIONAL: Have an “Attitude of Gratitude”

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?  Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” ...