
SCOT BELLAVIA: They’re Not Dumb, They’re Nonverbal

They say if you’ve met one person with autism…then you’ve met one person with autism. It turns out that when they also have apraxia, you didn’t meet them the...

RANDY HUFF: You Don’t Know What’s There Until You Do

I am reading Pilgrim at Tinker Creek this year, the 50th year of its publishing....

FRED FIRST: Turning Points of Note From a Season of Change

First night: Middle of April: The sliding doors are open with nothing but the screens to...

MELINDA MYERS: Dig, Divide and Boost Your Garden’s Beauty

Overcrowded, poor flowering, and floppy perennials can be invigorated with a shovel and a bit...

ROBERT L. MARONIC: Let Prime Minister Netanyahu Defeat Hamas In The Gaza Strip

In January 2014 former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (2006-11) bluntly stated that Joe Biden had...

SERWAN ZANGANA: To Say “Death to America” Is A Personal Affront and A Threat to US All

The April 5 protest in Dearborn, Michigan is stretching beyond the First Amendment and the freedom of assembly. Evidently, chanting ”Death to America” is...

RANDY HUFF: How Could a Game Bring Tears?

I cry and wonder why, which is ok I guess. I often weep while watching stories, sometimes for reasons hard to explain. The right...

DEVOTIONAL: Easter Is Over…Now What? (2) have been raised to new life with Christ...   Colossians 3:1 (NLT) Even though Christmas gets far more attention (and money spent) in our culture...

MORGAN GRIFFITH: “What Makes The Flag on The Mast to Wave?”

One of my favorite movies has always been The Wizard of Oz. When my children were younger, I would often, in trying to teach them,...

MIKE KEELER: The Amazing Thing . . .

This past week’s solar eclipse up in the great north woods was pretty amazing, And the moment of totality reminded me of another amazing...

RANDY HUFF: OJ, Tevye and Dropping The Stones

I remember where I was. No, I'm not old enough to remember the assassination of JFK, but I do have a thin remembrance of...