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Of Bears and Men and Meeting in the Woods . . . Revisited

I've thought much on this woman-meets-man-or-bear-alone-in-the-woods meme, and I tried to write on it yesterday. Whatever else it may be, my effort to understand is an example of visceral...

Between Politicians and University Students, America Becomes Both Guilty and Victim

The United States has become both the guilty and the victim! It is a nation...

Of Bears and Men and Meeting in the Woods

Sadly, a meme, while giving voice to fears of women, added insult to injury instead...

Hope of Israel Congregation Remembers The 6 Million Murdered in The Holocaust

On a quiet Sunday evening a somber 'Hope of Israel' congregation remembered the six million...

MORGAN GRIFFITH: A Very Problematic Healthcare Hack

Our country is experiencing a massive shift in technology. Our daily activities often revolve around...

DICK BAYNTON: Corruption, Disruption, Dysfunction

Let’s start this treatise with commentary about Rahm Emanuel, the current and 44th Mayor of Chicago since 2011. Mr. Emanuel has been dedicated to...

MIKE KEELER: Where Eagles Dare (Or Not)

On the afternoon of July 4, 1776, right after signing the Declaration, the Continental Congress appointed three men - John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and...

LUCKY GARVIN: The Broken Heart

The sixty year old woman came to the ER one week after her stomach pain started. Her nurse came to us and said, “She...

DICK BAYNTON: Fossil Fuels – Past and Future

Among the many extreme conditions being proposed by the liberal left is the elimination of fossil fuels, also called petroleum, crude oil, coal and...

DICK BAYNTON: Patriotism, Socialism & Naiveté

Recently, Bernie Sanders of Vermont declared his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America. This should be a surprise to no...

DICK BAYNTON: Broken What?

Day after day and year after year, we hear that our immigration system is broken. The two houses of Congress debate the topic and...