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2024 Congressional Art Competition Winner Meets With Griffith

Artwork Unveiled in U.S. Capitol

U.S. Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) welcomed Rishi Nair of Blacksburg High School to Washington, D.C.. As the winner of the 2024 Congressional Art Competition from Virginia’s Ninth Congressional District, Rishi’s artwork Mabry Mill is now officially displayed in the U.S. Capitol.

“The Ninth District is home to many talented artists,” said Griffith. “Visitors from across the United States have the opportunity to walk in the U.S. Capitol and see Rishi’s excellent piece. I congratulate him on this inspiring accomplishment and look forward to his continued success in art and beyond.”

“Due to my schedule, normally I am unable to spend time with the winner of the Congressional Art Competition when they visit DC. However, this year the schedule permitted me to meet with Rishi.”

Congressman Griffith annually hosts the Congressional Art Competition. Information is yet to be released for the 2025 competition. Faculty or students with any additional questions about the competition may contact Josh Hess at (540) 381-5671 or by email at [email protected].

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