Roanoke College Presents: Can We Talk? Civil Discourse and Democracy: Howard Kurtz in Conversation With Jen Psaki

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”  – Winston Churchill

Many decry current breakdowns of civility that seem worse than any time before in American political parties, branches of government, media, and other public institutions.  This year, Henry H. Fowler speakers will address the apparent decline in public civility and what, if anything, can be done about it.

Howard Kurtz, media specialist for Fox News, and Jen Psaki, former Communications Director for the Obama Administration will engage in a conversation on the decline in civility, especially as it relates to government and the media.

Howard Kurtz is Fox News media critic and best-selling author who presents a non-partisan look at how today’s rapidly changing news and political landscape is evolving. He addresses faith in the media, truth in reporting, and the rapid-fire news cycle.

Jen Psaki is currently a fellow at the Georgetown Institute of Politics where she teaches a course titled, The Art of Communicating in a Social Media Age: The Good, The Bad and The Unknown. She is also a CNN contributor.

TONIGHT – Tues. November 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Bast Center on the Roanoke College campus.

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