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Virginia Tech Roanoke Center Highlights Events / Offerings

Exclusive Online Training offered by Virginia Tech

If you’re in the workforce right now, you’re making history. This is the first time – ever! – there are five generations working side-by-side. These five generations have different ways of communicating, preferred avenues of receiving information and varied sets of values. So … how do we all work together successfully?

That’s where we come in. The Virginia Tech Roanoke Center is offering an exclusive online Zoom workshop on March 28 that will explore how to celebrate that diversity, while navigating the challenges that come along with it. This course is online, so you may participate from the comfort of your own home or desk. Participants will receive an email link prior to class for access. Course will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 28. Register online at by March 22. Use discount code VTROA in the discount box at checkout to get $10 off!

Visit us online at for additional programs and offerings. Contact Program Coordinator Leigh Anne Stover at (540) 767-6101 or [email protected] if you have questions.

Virginia Tech Roanoke Center Thinkabit Lab Grand Opening, April 26


The Virginia Tech Roanoke Center (VTRC) is excited to announce the grand opening of their Inspired by Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab on April 26! The lab brings hands-on STEM learning to middle school students in an engaging, inviting and absurdly awesome learning environment. The lab is structured to open the doors for students to potential STEM-related careers, while nurturing their creativity through a makerspace. Event details will be posted to our Facebook page soon:

If you have questions about the lab or would like to sponsor a field trip for area students, please contact Lesa Hanlin at (540) 767-6100 or [email protected].

Opioid Datathon Winners

Congratulations to the CORRIC Cares Team from Carilion Clinic for winning first place in the Virginia Tech Roanoke Center Opioid Datathon on February 23! Their innovative idea was focused on reducing stigma. Through a study of Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data provided by the Prevention Council of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition (RAYSAC), they revealed that the best way to reach our youth is through social media. Their proposed campaign is called #RespectRecovery and will feature 8 videos over 8 weeks on Instagram. It will use relatable teen voices to give a message of compassion, self-identification, understanding and the importance of the language we use.

The Opioid Datathon had three additional teams – another from Carilion Clinic, one from and a team of Virginia Tech students. Each team created a unique idea to combat the opioid crisis. Team judges emphasized that winning this event was based solely on their judging criteria, but all projects were viable and should be developed.




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