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DICK BAYNTON: The Dichotomies of Despair

Dick Baynton

Politicians are highly adept at sanctimoniously selecting comparable issues that are incomparable. For example, it was Nancy Pelosi that stated that walls are immoral. Apparently however, it is quite fitting to the morals of some folks that we should terminate the lives of little babies even after they are born.

About half of our mothers have babies without marital fathers or even partners. It is apparently moral to provide billions of dollars of medical care, housing and other benefits to illegal aliens while withholding those same benefits from the people sleeping on the sidewalks of San Francisco, Portland and cities around our country. It is quite moral for Speaker Pelosi to fly back and forth from Washington, D.C. to her home territory using government aircraft with expensive food and alcoholic drinks provided by taxpayers.

Recently U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman, an Obama appointee ruled that a citizenship question on the U.S. census ‘did not violate the Constitution itself’, but it was unlawful for a ‘multitude of independent reasons and must be set aside.’ This judge is justifying violations of our sovereignty in the name of politics? I thought all judges were apolitical.

In August and September 2018, claims by a California professor were that she had been attacked by several men at a residential location in Montgomery County, Maryland in the early 80’s. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, now a college professor in California was unsure of the exact year, the precise location, how she got to the ‘party’ or who might have taken her home. All she knew was that then current candidate for the position of Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh was on top of her trying to remove her garments. The case was vague and filled with suggestions without facts usually required in any serious complaint.

TV actor Jussie Smollett was walking home from a Chicago Subway sandwich shop at 2 AM on January 29th, 2019 when he was allegedly attacked by two white homophobic Trump fans wearing ski masks calling Smollett insulting names, injuring him, dousing him with bleach and wrapping a rope around his neck. The alleged attackers shouted, “This is MAGA country.” Interviewed by police less than an hour after the alleged attack, Smollett continued to leave the rope looped around his neck. After reviewing many surveillance cameras, the police and FBI found no foundation for the claims.

Brian Buescher has been nominated to the position of judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights in a letter of November 28th, 2018, opposed his confirmation due to his partisan activism and ‘hostility’ toward members of LGBTQ. Senators M. Hirono (D-HI) and K. Harris (D-CA) challenge his suitability due to his membership in the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic ‘extremist’ organization that believes in traditional marriage.

Governors of New York and Virginia have issued new guidelines for the gruesome taking of life from the innocent infants born in their states over the years ahead. Liberal politicians and government officials have approved by their words or their silence of these deeply offensive rules for extending abortions to the time of birth and beyond. The mother has a choice of terminating the life of the infant before, during and after the signs of delivery are apparent; Nature supplies; mother denies. New York governor Cuomo is an attorney while Virginia governor Ralph Northam has been a practicing physician. These policies are beyond the scope of our great nation’s ethical and moral parameters.

In the light of what is going on to achieve influence and power, liberal politicians and supporters have cast out common sense and logic in favor of the inspiration to create an entirely new foundation for living in the modern world. These leaders and followers have decided to ‘fix’ the way nature has operated over eons of time; develop new avenues of logic that take us to extremes in taxing and spending, of violating Constitutional provisions as a matter of routine and switching the rule of self-determination, original thought and creativity to central planning and control.

Teaching and learning at all levels will focus on the government hierarchy based on their collective wisdom and our presumed inability to manage our own lives. It’s called ‘suppression of expression.’

Dick Baynton

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