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Dick Baynton

According to current Democratic gospel, voters will flock to the polls in the next couple elections and cast their votes for a tsunami of return to liberal progressive government ‘leadership.’ While that is entirely possible in a politically-charged environment of hatred for the current occupant of the Oval Office and his policies regardless of their efficacy and outreach, it also may be wishful thinking. The media is the voice of liberalism and educational institutions at all levels of public and private ownership are the tutoring agents of the left.

One of the main elements of ‘left’ strategy is personal destruction. For example Mitt Romney was an animal abuser because he hauled his dog in a cage on top of his SUV. On the other hand, these same democratic revelers rally around former president Clinton who was a misogynist and his wife who is certainly an un-convicted felon for destroying evidence such as 33,000 E-mails. According to various reports Hillary’s aides destroyed electronic communication and storage devices with hammers and corrosive fluids.

If liberalism triumphs over conservatism in future elections, media and educational leaders will build castles-in-the-sand celebrating higher taxes, endless debt, increased regulations, free education, porous borders, leashes on military spending, justification of ‘sanctuary jurisdictions’ and continued international trade imbalances. International diplomacy will replace current threats of retribution and levying of severe trade sanctions on unbalanced trade. Several states have re-introduced work and training for unemployed people and added work requirements for those on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

The philosophy is simple; all citizens have an obligation to their homeland to participate in the economy of the nation. Even people with virtually no income could plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables to supplement their nutritional needs. Every able-bodied man or woman can perform paid or volunteer tasks for the benefit of others in their community. If welfare recipients live below the welfare (income) level, they qualify for exemption of paying income taxes and receive numerous other free benefits such as subsidized healthcare. Participation in the local and state economy is automatic however as we all must pay sales, gasoline and personal property taxes.

Other liberal progressive Democratic legislation and support is afforded those women who desire to end the potential for life in their womb by abortion. Other objectionable activities supported by political leftists is unrepentant immigration that spirals local, state and national costs through schooling, job and language training, ER healthcare, food stamps (SNAP), housing and the cost of crime committed by a small number of illegal aliens. Liberal logic ignores existing immigration law and substitutes random decrees of liberal orthodoxy.

Democrats also support public unions in education (teachers), government employees (USPS, IRS, police, firemen and other agencies) for a total of 7.2 million members. The problem with public sector unions is two-fold; first, they are bargaining with peers (other taxpayers) and second union work rules are oppressive and costly. It is important to recognize that public sector payrolls and retirement benefits are more generous than payrolls and benefits of private-sector taxpayers that pay the bills.

Perhaps the most insidious characteristic of the political ‘left’ is that talking without logic is enthusiastic while action sucks. Consider that former President Obama used profound hyperbole in assuring minorities that their earnings would grow and their unemployment would shrink during his administration. Those promises were kept without fanfare by his successor in his first year in office. Other profound language found its way into Obama’s orations when he dared Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to cross his ‘red line’ by using chemical weapons. When evidence was confirmed that chemical weapons were being used against his own people, our erstwhile president turned the problem over to the despicable Vladimir Putin of Russia. Friends and enemies alike realized that leadership of the United States was a timid lamb masquerading as a tiger.

Voters who drop their ballot for Democratic liberalism are assuring the rise of internationalism, socialism and elitism of the ruling class. Hatred is usually reserved for deadly enemies; currently however, it is being used as a weapon of political contempt against those who are trying to repair the damage done by eight years of catastrophic ‘leadership’ by a perfidious ideological agent of deception and divisiveness.

Dick Baynton

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