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The AAA is a family of like-minded people who provide their members, most of whom own and drive a car, with numerous benefits, especially discounts related to things in which the members will likely participate while traveling.

The NRA is a family of like-minded people who provide their members, most of whom own and shoot guns, with numerous benefits, especially discounts related to things in which the members will likely participate while enjoying the out of doors.

The AAA and its partners, using its 43 million members as collateral, provides advocacy to influence national law and policy, geared primarily at automobile and traffic safety. Through its affiliates, AAA provides training and safety instruction for drivers. AAA weighs in on highway funding, suburban sprawl, mass transit, car design and safety, air pollution, and global warming. Almost without exception AAA advocates policies that many consider damaging to the environment and detrimental to health.

The NRA, using its 5 million members as collateral, provides advocacy to influence national law and policy, primarily for the safety and well-being of American citizens. It provides training and safety instruction in the use of weapons. It is America’s longest-standing civil rights organization and proud defenders of history’s patriots and diligent protectors of the Second Amendment. While many take exception, without exception, NRA advocates policies which are meant to strengthen the constitution and increase safety for our citizens.

AAA does not sell cars. Over 40,000 vehicle deaths were reported in the USA during 2017.

NRA does not sell guns. Just over 15,500 gun deaths were reported in the US during 2017.

Membership in AAA does not make you a killer with your automobile; neither does it make you a better or worse person. Membership does not allow you to drive a NASCAR racer on public roadways. There are laws against that.

Membership in NRA does not make you a killer with your gun; neither does it make you a better or worse person.             Membership does not allow you to purchase or own an automatic weapon. There are laws against that.

Whether or not a member of AAA, you are allowed to drive a vehicle at age 16, even though that vehicle has been shown to be 3 times more likely to result in someone’s death than a gun. We trust our children with their lives and those of others every time we hand them the keys

Whether or not a member of NRA, our young men at women, at the age of 17 or 18, are taken into the military and trained almost exclusively with the “AR-15 style” rifle. We trust them with their lives to represent and defend us both here and around the globe. Now, when they are at home, we want to tell them they are neither old, nor trustworthy, enough to own a civilian (semi-automatic) version of this weapon.

Most will strongly argue that AAA hasn’t been responsible for a single one of those 40,000 deaths.

I will just as vigorously argue that NRA hasn’t been responsible for a single one of those 15,500.

Want to boycott something?  Boycott Hollywood and the gaming industry.

Perry Keeton – Roanoke

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