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DICK BAYNTON: Winning, Losing and the Nobility of Both

Dick Baynton

The fabric of our Democratic Republic that has existed since 1776 is becoming frayed and tattered. Our Constitution and other important segments of government were intended by the founding fathers to be durable in perpetuity. But mankind is a kinetic force, not a static one. Among the billions of passengers on Planet Earth, there are vast numbers who have never learned the benefits of serving others for the advancement of civilization. There are many passengers who perceive themselves as always right, just as there are those who perceive others to be always wrong. We must all prepare to win, but we all must also realize that in every conflict or contest, large or small, there will be those who must suffer the indignity of loss, just as there will be those who savor the triumph of victory.

Among the most venerable of institutions is the political party system that creates an array of different approaches to governance. As we all know, governing must be preceded by that pesky period called campaigning. This period of practice for governing is also called stumping.  It prepares candidates for jobs they don’t always understand, and thus allows them to prepare speeches about objectives and goals. Concurrently, these aspirants to high government jobs must create a complete list of excuses why their objectives and goals fell short or disappeared in the foggy mist of candidate upchuck.

Among the many politicians with a dearth of real-life experiences and a surplus of experience in feeding at the government trough of grand benefits is Tim Kaine, a liberal who has never lost an election. That is, until Hillary engaged him as her running mate and Donald Trump took up the challenge of helping Mr. Kaine achieve his first electoral loss. As with many other progressives and liberals, Mr. Kaine was not trained in the humility of loss, only the triumph and hubris of victory.

Apparently his son Woody was a student of the same set of guiding principles.  So when Trump supporters in St. Paul, Minnesota held a rally for their winning candidate, he and some of his cohorts decided to interrupt the activities of the group by setting off fireworks and smoke bombs in the State Capitol. Theses attackers were dressed from head to toe in black, according to one account. (Coincidentally, ISIS dresses in all black for their beheadings and mass murders of innocent women and children.) Woody’s parents, Tim and Anne Holton, issued a statement that said, “We love that our three children have their own views and concerns about current political issues, they fully understand the responsibility to express those concerns peacefully.”

Woody’s activities were not political; these actions of interrupting a peaceful rally were unlawful. The throwing of fireworks and smoke bombs into a crowd are not political rejoinders; they are lawless attacks against innocent citizens. Woody Kaine is the son of a leading Democratic politician whose candidate lost, and the Party can’t seem to find their way through the debris. We are witnessing the failure of progressive leaders who failed us for eight years.  They feel they deserved to win the election with Hillary because it was her turn and she won the popular vote and the Russians helped her lose (which, if true, was apparently accomplished by exposing the truth); cheap talk from sore losers.

In a veiled criticism of President Trump’s “statism” regarding trade and emigration, Bill Clinton was recently preaching at the Brookings Foundation of a world without borders where the free movement of people is the rule. This philosophy is an overlay of the persuasive admonishments of the far left open society of George Soros, whose money recently turned up in the Balkan States of Macedonia and Albania, in an effort to influence their left turn toward open borders.

Bill Clinton’s view of the world is consonant with the views of Barack Obama, George Soros and the late Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals and the “dignification” of community organizers. What these ideologues can’t figure out is that without borders we have Brexit, without borders tyrants send their refugees to the lands of milk & honey and that culture, religion, language, currency, sovereignty and the thirst for freedom among all mankind are causes worth fighting and dying for.

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