Canatal Steel USA, a subsidiary of Canada-based Canatal Industries and a producer of steel structure fabrication, will invest $1.5 million to expand its manufacturing operation in Botetourt County. The expansion project will create 38 new jobs.
“Congratulations to Canatal Steel USA on the growth of its sole U.S. operation,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Todd Haymore. “Virginia is home to more nearly 6,000 manufacturers, and that number continues to grow with the resurgence of manufacturing in the U.S. and the Commonwealth’s efforts to expand this key industry. Botetourt County and Virginia have provided the right business climate and labor pool for success as Canatal Steel expands in the U.S. market, and we look forward to continuing to strengthen our corporate partnership.”
Ralph Poulin founded Canada-based Canatal Industries in 1990. After landing several major contracts in the U.S. Northeast and expanding in Canada, the company opened its first U.S. plant, Canatal Steel USA, in Botetourt County in 2010, allowing for further expansion along the Eastern Seaboard. Today, Canatal Steel USA has more than 160,000-square-feet of facilities dedicated to steel fabrication and employs more than 80 highly skilled workers.
“The Roanoke Valley is strategically located for our growing market and there is good quality labor for fabrication and assembly of structural steel,” said Canatal Industries president Ralph Poulin. “Also, transport costs are greatly reduced for our projects in DC, South Carolina and North Carolina, which will make Canatal more competitive in obtaining contracts.”
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Botetourt County and the Roanoke Regional Partnership to secure the project, and will support Canatal’s new job creation through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP). VJIP provides consultative services and funding to companies creating new jobs or experiencing technological change to support employee training activities. As a business incentive supporting economic development, VJIP reduces the human resource costs of new and expanding companies. VJIP is state-funded, demonstrating Virginia’s commitment to enhancing job opportunities for its citizens.
“Canatal has been a great corporate citizen in Botetourt County for many years, and we are pleased that they have decided to continue expanding in our community,” said Jack Leffel, Chairman of the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors. “Furthermore, Canatal’s investment continues Botetourt’s strong history of attracting and supporting international companies and helping them thrive with our local workforce.”
“I want to congratulate Canatal Steel USA on its growth since its arrival in the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2010 and wish the company much success in this latest expansion,” said Senator Steve Newman. “Adding 38 new jobs with a capital investment of $1.5 million is a significant commitment to our area and we are so pleased that Canatal Steel has placed its confidence in Botetourt County by choosing to grow the company here. Also, hats off to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors for their vision and leadership, to Administrator Gary Lowe and to the County’s economic development team. Their work along with the Roanoke Regional Partnership has once again added valuable development to our region.”