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DICK BAYNTON: Change is Coming . . . Always

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Most of us resist change. Some of us reject change and try to keep the status quo. Whether we resist or reject change, it is going to move over us whether or not we agree with the change(s).

That is the unyielding way the world works; change is a constant in all our lives. Calm seas change to tsunamis, snowfalls change to blizzards, birthdays signify that we have grown older, cars become obsolete and enemies become friends and vice versa.

Our great nation is in the process of escaping from insurrection by one half the nation who voted liberal and the other half who voted for Trump. Let’s hope it doesn’t break out into civil war; the one we had 150 years or so ago was a disaster.

As we all know, we have a proxy system of voting for the political big shots who become officials who gather a bunch of people together and try to run the world’s largest economy and the world’s most formidable military.

The ‘proxy’ voting system is called ‘The Electoral College.’ Some people who liked the Electoral College idea a few years ago think it should be discarded.

Considering some of the signs we’ve seen, some people think that Mr. Trump is not their president. According to the rules of elections, whoever got the most electoral votes wins the presidency; maybe those with the signs that read ‘Trump’s not my prez’ didn’t take civics in high school. Some may not have attended high school. One change could be that we make our resounding voice heard and actions felt by those who violate international law and stop falling behind by leading from behind.

 According to the appointments of new officials called ‘secretaries’ they are fairly conservative and that is scary to a large swath of liberals. For example, it is possible that many of the thousands of regulations that have been instigated will be reversed.

Perhaps the callow expressions of political correctness erupting on college campuses will be exchanged with the primary purpose of educational institutions: gaining knowledge.

Maybe we can shift some emphasis away from research without purpose to veteran’s care with reality. It is possible that training programs can be filled with neophyte trainees while drug abuse and crime can be reduced.

Perhaps the chasms of divisiveness can be backfilled and leveled off with jobs for 94 million healthy men and women who have been without jobs.

The immigration mess has been created by government officials who disagreed with current statutes and ordered their surrogates to ignore the law. With respect to immigration, our nation has lost its sovereignty. Our government officials gave it away without our permission. Why do we have to call illegal aliens undocumented guest workers or some other PC name? Why is it that Muslim terrorists are referred to as insurgents?

Those who hold jobs, earn a living wage for when they become disabled and/or retired save their money for a rainy day. But our elected, appointed and career government workers have no incentive to save their money due to the abundant retirement and healthcare plans that accompany their jobs.

Maybe we can extend the working years of local, state and national employees to be parallel with the extra years that most of us live compared with the life spans of 1935. These same officials have incurred national debt of $20 trillion dollars because there hasn’t been a balanced budget for many years.

Most of our elected officials have become very wealthy while in office. They retire with huge benefits and investment income. They spend their own money with fiscal responsibility, but your money and mine goes into dark holes that we never hear about.

All our former living presidents are multi-millionaires because we elected them to high office. Why do we have to pay these politicians exorbitant benefits for life instead of for the number of years they ‘served?’

Let’s hope our new administration moderates all things including government spending, retirement benefits, unproductive research, shovel-ready jobs that aren’t shovel-ready and educational benefits created by individuals instead of by government.

The 45th President of this great land has been selected; the change must be peaceful just as the first 44 were peaceful.

Dick Baynton

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