The words of pundits, students and other critics of President-elect Trump ring throughout the land. Groups on college campuses show students carrying signs and banners that say things like, “He’s not our Prez.” Some students, I suppose can’t spell the word ‘prezident.’
These people ignored the corruption of the current administration in Washington, D.C. and Mrs. Clinton’s promises to continue these practices and failed policies. Some of the students who object to the Trump presidency probably visualize the coming day when students must pay for college education instead of enjoying ‘free’ government college learning. Free means paid for by taxpayers after being laundered through government bureaucracy.
Here’s the simple truth: Anything we receive “without cost” was paid for by someone else.
Items that won’t be missed are the lies the administration has told about healthcare, missing E-Mails, botched actions such as the illegal ’Fast & Furious’, the IRS scandal and the United States donation to Iran in behalf of world Islamic terrorism. Reinstatement of diplomatic relations with Cuba is a financial and moral embarrassment.
Most rational citizens would believe that we are less safe than when Mr. Obama took over in 2009 considering among other incidents, the murders at Fort Hood in 2009, San Bernardino in 2015 and Orlando in 2016.
Mr. Obama has found himself at odds with various courts because of his strong efforts to tilt the ‘playing field’ in favor of unions. The most recent loss by the administration’s Labor Department was from a Federal Court Judge in Texas. The President goes overboard for unions because in the recent election, the top 11 unions provided more than $138 million for the Democratic Party.
Union membership among private employers is 6.7% but in public (government) employment, 35.2% are unionized. In the private workplace, workers resent political spending by union bosses. In government, union loyalties favor the administration that hired them and made extraordinary promises of benefits during their work and retirement years.
Other major donors include Tom Steyer of Fahr, LLC, a private equity firm that has put up more than $66 million, some of which was used to help Mr. Obama halt work on the Keystone XL Pipeline project. George Soros spent $21 million in behalf of all Democratic causes.
A Few Random Observations:
Obamacare insurance premiums on the state exchanges are rising an average of 25%; Arizona’s increases will be more than 100%. About one third of U.S. counties will have only one choice of insurer in 2017. Democrats Feingold in Wisconsin and Bayh of Indiana likely lost their senatorial races because of their support for Obamacare. State pensions in the U.S. are underfunded by $1.75 trillion. Pensions of 100 million government workers worldwide are at risk due to miscalculation by inept government actuaries and officials. (Over-promise& under-perform).
From 2008-2012, the coal industry lost 50,000 jobs, wind & solar added 79,000 jobs. Where was government and industry in helping unemployed coal industry workers? Reports from most locations in the U.S. show need for workers but inability to find workers with needed skills. Where is the training?
E-Mails recently released revealed that John Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri of the Clinton campaign were trying to adjust the Catholic Church’s conservative stance on ‘severely backwards gender relations.’ Democratic VP candidate Tim Kaine, a Catholic, expressed his confidence that the ‘Church’ would adopt Democratic same-sex marriage principles.
Supporters of Trump are a basket of ‘deplorables’; guilty of racism, sexism, homophobia, Xenophobia & Islamaphobia according to Hillary. (Political Correctness is resented but tolerated by many.) Elitist Democrats heaped guilt and embarrassment upon Trump supporters; the elitists didn’t recognize that Mrs. Clinton was the greater embarrassment.
In Chicago murders soar 40% in 2016; feral cats are imported to stem the 40% increase in rat complaints and union teachers threaten strike. One has to wonder, is Mayor Rahm Emanuel up to the task?
Alan Blinder, liberal Princeton Professor and informal advisor to Hillary Clinton, said this on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 (WSJ, p A15), “Political dysfunction created a perfect environment for the unspeakable Donald Trump, who came along seeking to make America hate again. Although he will lose the election, he has succeeded in stoking hatred.”
Self-determination is returning to the U.S.A. Are you ready to participate?