Recent revelations about Donald Trump suggest that he has used filthy language, sexual provocation and ‘octopus’ groping of women during past years. These are serious allegations and if true, a display of chauvinist predisposition toward women in general and alleged victims in particular. But does that make Donald J. Trump unfit for the Presidency of this great nation? It could be cause for elimination of candidacy.
Let’s take a look at some of the prerequisites for being President. He or she must be 35 and a native citizen of the United States. It’s important that the President be a good honest communicator to all people, companies, factions, friends and adversaries worldwide. The President must have excellent common sense and a hankering for logical problem solving.
The President should be one who is not ashamed of his or her past and it helps if he or she has never been guilty of moral turpitude or criminal behavior. A good qualifier for the Presidency is having success in an important field of politics, business, religion or some form of public service such as a major charitable organization. Some form of proven leadership should be on the resume of the candidate who becomes winner of the 2-party election lottery. There are a few other reasonable qualifications but the principles above are at least an outline of some of the helpful characteristics of what is often considered the most weighty job in the world.
Only a couple decades ago, a President was sexually involved with a 22-year-old intern. This was not an alleged incident; it actually happened and President Clinton’s DNA confirmed his despicable conduct. Women have lined up over the years to confirm their sexual attacks by the Arkansas Attorney General, Arkansas Governor and two-term President of the United States.
This is the same William Jefferson Clinton that is a spokesman for the Democratic Party who brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars per speech and millions of dollars over time. This is the sexual predator who was President for eight years and the voters have been told that Donald J. Trump is unfit for that esteemed office that has been held by just 44 people over 240 years?
Lyndon Baines Johnson was reported to have had two sexual alliances; one with Alice Glass and another with Madeleine Brown. The affair with Brown reportedly produced a son named Steven Mark Brown born in 1950 who died in 1990. JFK’s exploits with women was legendary and protected by the obsequious press. Bob Edwards, former Senator from North Carolina and Presidential candidate had an illegitimate child prior to his wife’s death in 2010. Jesse Jackson of The Rainbow Coalition with presidential ambitions has had problems keeping up with support payments to Karin Stanford, the mother of his illegitimate daughter born in 1999.
Perhaps the most egregious behavior by a president or presidential candidate is the revelations that are now being released. Her record as Secretary of State is touted by Democrats while the reality is that her term as Secretary is a series of epic failures. The Inspector General found incomplete records and billions of dollars missing from the department after Clinton’s departure.
FBI director Comey mentioned that Mrs. Clinton was extremely careless with confidential government communications but added that the FBI will not recommend indictment. Is that a ‘fix’ when other miscreants in government receive severe disciplinary action, including losing their jobs and reputations for lesser infractions? Mrs. Clinton is probably the most corrupt candidate for President in the nation’s history. In addition to the criminal loss and destruction of thousands of E-Mails and cell phones, another tumultuous issue must be mentioned:
Seeking advice, the Hillary campaign engaged Strategic Consulting Group, a consulting organization headed by Robert Creamer, a convicted felon. His group apparently was responsible for inciting violence at Trump rallies and other mischief that are probably federal crimes. Creamer’s wife is Jan Schakowsky, congressional representative for Illinois’ 9th district. It is troubling that Creamer has logged 342 White House visits during the Obama presidency with 47 visits with Obama. It is highly probable that our President is involved with ‘dirty tricks’ and illicit behavior.
The campaign issue shouldn’t be Trump’s scruples, but the Democrat’s morals.