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Our Great Nation: From Dedication to Degradation

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Now we know.  The FBI, The Supreme Court, the President of the United States and the Attorney General have all been inducted into the United States Political Hall of Shame. The sham of the Hillary Clinton E-Mail report by FBI Director James Comey, the agreement of terms by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the sermons of President Obama assure us that there are no remaining remnants of political neutrality or detachment.

Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 83 and member of the Supremes since 1993 opined recently, “I can’t imagine what the country would be – with Donald Trump as our President.”

In an interview with Katie Couric in April, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro broke federal law (Hatch Act) by stating publicly his support for candidate Clinton while making critical remarks about Donald Trump. A White House spokesperson brushed off the violation by saying that the error won’t be repeated.

There is only political spin. Our political climate is akin to an awesome maelstrom of fabrications blended into rumors and distilled into facts of imitation. This vortex of myths, fables, lore, tales, fictions and allegories is twisted into a junk narrative that becomes factoids to the speaker and the standard of truth to the listeners.

The media are filled with the thoughts and biases of writers and producers who have been winnowed out of a field of elite students whose minds have been forged from study at leading colleges of liberalism replacing journalism.

People around the world wonder what has happened to the vaunted United States of America. One candidate for presidency has been a first lady, a senator and a secretary of state with a resume of abject failures. The other candidate, until a year ago, thought a politician was a source of condescending patronage in exchange for over-the-top or under-the-table funding and gifts.

Both candidates are seeking the presidency based on change that was supposed to have been accomplished starting in 2009. Change that was supposed to be positive as expressed by Mr. Obama has been irrelevant and transformatively destructive to everyone in the world.

The liberal mantra has been, ‘do and say anything necessary to get elected.’ Once elected, the progressive agenda takes over and the goal posts are moved left: amnesty is granted, preschool budgeted, NLRB shifts rules favoring unions, EPA adds regulations, funding for abortion continues and fraud resumes unbridled in government agencies.

The next step is to create words and phrases and legislation defining the desperate need for new taxes to fund the bulging bureaucracy,  Taxes are raised, and the politically elite have placed themselves on the dais of victory.

Looking admiringly at the political victors, we disregard our pockets being picked while national debt, student debt delinquency, cost of regulations and hundreds of thousands of surplus appointed and career political hacks pile onto federal spending. Unfortunately, the political environment can’t be changed in a day or an hour or a year.

Our nation needs to start an entirely new approach to leadership ennobling the people and placing the mantle of leadership, responsibility and accountability on those who are elected.  Politicians turned government leaders must never draw a dishonest breath nor voice a fiction as fact.

Politicians must make transparent decisions, domestic and international that are projected to produce the best result for our country and its citizens. The politically elite class must be abolished and replaced with men and women who are dedicated not to their own professed success but to the triumph of their nation and the people as constituents.

The Presidency of the United States is probably the hardest job on earth and is why the elected winner must have a calm, measured approach to problem solving. He or she must lay logical plans, execute valid solutions and follow up to assure optimum results. The winner must never belittle anyone but elevate everyone who is a law-abiding citizen.

Our new President must be a person who balances the whispers of the weak with the shouts of the strong. The new Commander-in-Chief must not make false promises or issue empty threats yet never wince or take lightly the threats of others. Constitutional principles must always prevail. God Bless America.

Dick Baynton

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