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DICK BAYNTON: The New Realities

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Here are some items that are newsworthy but rarely get front page headlines or coverage and may be announced by TV anchors and radio hosts as after-thoughts. This column may be disturbing to many of you, but it is reality. While candidates Hillary and Tim paint a canvas of serenity, order and joy, life is actually less charming than they describe.

The first story is about Boko Haram and their gruesome conquests. Boko Haram is a terrorist organization headquartered in NE Nigeria, but also active in Chad, Niger and Northern Cameroon. The words Boko Haram translated to English mean ‘western education is forbidden.’ The founders of the organization are (were) Sunni influenced by the Wahhabi extremist movement that advocates and practices a strict form of Sharia law.

Reports say that this jihadist organization has killed more than 20,000 people, displaced at least 2.3 million, kidnapped 10,000 boys and as we know, thousands of  young girls. The boys (and girls) lives have been altered and many of the girls have been raped at early ages and most of the boys have been trained to be soldiers, arsonists, killers, rapists, couriers, spies and suicide bombers. Boys as young as 5 and 6 are taught to shoot repeating weapons and how to put on explosive vests and jackets (while laughing). They are also taught that it is alright to slaughter their parents and torch entire villages of innocent residents. To sharpen their shooting skills, young boys shoot and kill cows and goats belonging to farmers.

Here is a weekly report on the results of Islamic actions worldwide: August, 2016, there were 203 attacks killing 1,637 injuring 1,734 and 29 suicide blasts in 33 countries. There have been 29,172 terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001. Stephane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier, 47, a cartoonist at Charlie Hebdo was murdered along with 11 others during the Islamic terrorist Paris attack on January 7, 2015 had said this to reporters, “I’d rather die standing up than live on my knees.”

Here at home in Chicago, for September up to the 7th, 18 have been shot and killed while 76 have been shot and wounded. Year-to-date 2016, 416 have been S&K, 2,529 have been shot and wounded; homicides total 515.

Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington have all passed legislation allowing the recreational use of cannabis (marijuana). Various reports bring news that these folks are just enjoying life to the fullest. I’m hoping users are not getting blasted and operating motor vehicles on public highways or machines in factories. The market for Mexican and Central American marijuana shrunk by 40% due to the lower cost of U.S. weed. The Sinaloa Cartel is not a hobby or an avocation. These people operate a multi-billion dollar business to stupid U.S. buyers. Now the Mexican Cartel has developed a low-cost 90% pure heroin product. The Cartel is making money and overdose deaths in the U.S. have skyrocketed to 47,055 in 2014. The southern wall started in 2006 keeps sounding better regardless of who pays.

By almost any anecdotal or scientific measure our teaching institutions at all levels are bastions of left-wing progressive postulations and practice. Here are some examples: Theo Olson, Special Ed teacher in St. Paul, MN (who complained that members of Black Lives Matter won’t quit gaming, setting up fights and selling drugs) has been forced out by the local school board after 16 years of a teaching career.

Dr. Ross Avilla, a lecturer at University of California said in an Introduction to Psychology class that 90% of the U.S. terrorist attacks are carried out by white Caucasian men usually religiously motivated and politically conservative. Apparently the students and leadership of the college believe he is practicing free speech but common sense tells us that it is hate speech.

At Saddleback Community College in Mission Viejo, CA, Professor Margot Lovett was seen tearing down posters recalling the 9/11 disaster. The reason is that she blames the 9/11 attacks on U.S. imperialism.

The new U.S. President will need to reshape the culture of divisiveness here at home and help the UN and other nations come to terms with adapting their cultures to the new realities. Currently we are a nation in decline.

Dick Baynton

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