Saul Alinsky, who died in 1972 at age 63, was the author of Rules for Radicals published in 1971. His son, L. David Alinsky wrote the following letter to the Boston Globe on August 31, 2008: “Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.”
Alinsky’s views and actions followed the teachings of Antonio Gramsci, an Italian communist who advocated gradualism using the dialectic process. Gradualism eliminates revolution and bloodshed. The dialectic process is explained in The Oxford Dictionary as “the existence or action of opposing social forces’ and/or ‘skilled in logical disputation.”
Mr. Alinsky, in his book Rules for Radicals, offered a set of rules that started with our present system of government and economy. This morphed into a communist state ruled by the progenitors of radical change who organized neighborhoods of ordinary people, many of whom were poverty stricken.
Does anybody see a parallel with our country today? Although Alinsky advocated a series of specific actions, we can presume that arrival at planned autocratic results is assured by the following actions: control healthcare, increase poverty/welfare, increase debt at all levels, control public firearms ownership, control education, and promote class warfare and dissention.
Although most of us didn’t realize it, the overall plan of Obamacare was to transform the program into a single-payer plan eliminating private insurance companies, seating federal government at the pinnacle of healthcare control. Notice that the transfer of responsibility is right on schedule as insurers continue withdrawing from unprofitable areas of insurance coverage. Obamacare is the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.
Merrill Mathews, an opinion writer in Forbes magazine, has followed the growth of recipients of financial benefits from government. His estimates show that about 161 million citizens receive benefits, thus suggesting that we have passed the ‘tipping point’ that requires each of us to carry the financial burden for at least one fellow citizen. A statement attributed to Benjamin Franklin says: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” Living in poverty = 46.8 million people = 14.5% of U.S. population of 323.8 million.
The national debt is $19.3 trillion, which amounts to $59,566 per citizen. Current budget deficit is $516.3 billion, student loan debt amounts to $1.2 trillion (at least 1/3rd delinquent), unfunded liabilities are $102.6 trillion, $857,247 per person. Illinois has debt of $148 billion, revenue of $113 billion and spending of $136 billion.
Although there are plenty of state and federal firearms laws, Senate Democrats staged a sit-in on June 22 regarding federal gun laws. Gun laws apply to honest citizens while lawless rogues pay no attention to laws, only triggers. This begs the question: Why does government want to take guns from law-abiding citizens? Have you heard that there are now 200,000 non-defense department officials authorized to carry weapons and make arrests? That’s greater than the number of active U.S. Marines (194,000). Over the past few years the federal government has spent $1.48 billion on guns and ammo for arming 67 agencies unaffiliated with the Department of Defense.
We have spent vast sums of public and private funds and human resources to promote LGBT, minorities, the “war” on women (abortion), same-sex marriage and extremist groups like “Occupy” (Wall Street, D.C. and cities all over the USA), “Black Lives Matter” and the diminution of law enforcement officers. Democratic presidential candidates Bernie and Hillary spend considerable time and oratory berating rich people, especially Wall Street occupants. On Friday, June 24, President Obama designated the Stonewall Inn in NYC the first National Park Service location dedicated to the LGBT movement.
The President admonishes world leaders with false wisdom and has made dead-end deals with Iran and Cuba. U-turns in Poland, Czech Republic and Syria have diminished our military might. National debt continues to skyrocket, the economy languishes, ISIS thrives and the President wants to flood the nation with illegal immigrants and unidentified refugees. Saul Alinsky would be pleased. Bill Ayers is ecstatic. We have lost our moxie.
Dick Baynton