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Orlando and Gun Violence

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn) speaking recently from the Senate floor asked this question (in part), “What can  you do to make sure that Orlando or Sandy Hook never ever happens again?” The answer is apparently ‘nothing’ because the administration has been in power for well over seven years, and it has been announced that Mr. Obama has made many local visits related to mass shootings. Democrats blame guns and Republicans blame the shooters. The FBI is seeking a motive, as is the President.

The President says guns are too easy to buy but, at least in this case, Mateen was apparently a licensed security guard and ‘qualified’ to buy any kind of pocket pistol or consummate cannon available. This guy was reported to have held several jobs as a security guard. Apparently vetting for this type of position must be breathalyzer and pulse. Perhaps in politically correct society it is taboo to use religion, ethnicity, travels, past comments and threats or personal connections as evidence of risk or veracity of character.

The ‘Pulse’ nightclub was known as a gay joint where witnesses claimed the shooter, Mateen, often visited, suggesting that he might be gay. According to Sharia law enforced in some Mideastern countries, such as our friends in Saudi Arabia, death is punishment for homosexuals. Several articles about the tragic event that killed 49 and injured more than 50 state that Mateen was a ‘homegrown terrorist.’ What is the difference between a ‘homegrown’ terrorist and a terrorist trained by ISIS? The simple answer is that by inspiring terrorism in the spirit of Islam via the Internet saves a lot of money. This way there’s no need to bring recruits to ar-Raqqa, Syria or other ISIS strongholds for training in shooting, beheading and fitting of explosive vests.

What was the motive of Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan who killed 13 and wounded 31 at Ft. Hood in 2009? What was the motive of Syed Rizwan Farook and his spouse Tashfeen Malik who took the lives of 14 and injured 21 in San Bernardino on December 3, 2015? It seems to be true that in each instance of savage slaughter, one of the shooters shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ which presumably means something like ‘God is Great’ in the lexicon of Islam, Arabic and Palestinian. Is it vaguely possible that the motive of these killings is as simple as being ‘death to infidels?’ Is it possible that terrorists (politically correct: extremists) have drawn the conclusion that some authority such as the Quran authorizes such acts of murder and execution?

We keep struggling to find ‘motives’ for killings. If the killings are irrational, the motive can be the color of your hair, your complexion or your language or something even more irrational. People who live with dementia are reported to be ‘irrational.’ People can be brainwashed by religious propaganda and precepts warped to their neurotic understanding. An example is the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS, a church that hates LGBT people, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and politicians. Is it possible that ISIS leaders have interpreted religious principles to suit their irrational morbid denouements?

Here is a question for the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service and the President: Would it be helpful if we stopped spending almost endless resources searching for motives and more time and resources searching for ISIS terrorists on their home turf? Weekly TROP report: Ramadan Bombathon (day 13) 2016, 821 killed; Jihad, June 4-10; 55 attacks worldwide, 421 killed.

If these evil acts go on year after year as we ignore funeral parades in Chicago, Detroit and other urban areas while we argue about gun violence, it must be the new ‘normal.’ If the President feels obligated to increase his flight time and visit areas that have been victimized by gun violence, it must be the new ‘normal.’ If Congress and/or the President feel repulsed by the notion of developing a common solution, it must be the new ‘normal.’

There is a solution to mass gun violence. But in today’s obnoxious blistering political environment, the game of ‘chicken’ is being played out in the presence of more than seven billion people.  We have become the listless loquacious leaders of loathing following 7½ years of ‘hope & change.’

Dick Baynton


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