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Who Should I Vote For?

Dick Baynton
Dick Baynton

Millions of politicians and voters may believe that wisdom arises from the ballot box that belches out winners and losers. The weird campaigns being conducted (using the word loosely) should confirm that a vast majority of votes cast will be for someone who may be the lesser of two evils. Donald Trump, well known entertainer and businessman has excited the electorate by emitting a litany of one or two sentence condemnations of various critical topics that tweak the minds of listeners. Most of his statements are beyond what is considered ‘conventional wisdom.’ His position in the race to the bottom for this year’s Presidential nominations will be determined over the next few months.

Ted Cruz and ‘The Donald’ are slurring each other to the point that they have both withdrawn their support for ‘whoever wins the Republican nomination’; contrary to a document they signed many months ago. With the derogatory and insulting comments they are exchanging, the voters of both parties may resolve that neither deserves running for the office of President of the United States. John Kasich has been very cool-headed about criticizing his Republican opponents – until recently.  Now both Kasich and Cruz seem to be unwilling to uphold the pact of support for the Republican nominee in November.

Then we have the campaign of Bernie Sanders of Vermont who has toned down his rhetoric from communist-oriented to something that might be described as ultra liberal progressive socialism. Bernie’s appeal is largely to students and youth that smell the opiate tincture of savory free educations and government jobs with benefits from delivery to demise. Bernie’s message is ‘you deserve everything you want’ and follows that promise with the vow that ‘the filthy rich of Wall Street will pay for it.’ So much for a USA where self-reliance is a part of our foundation in ‘the land of opportunity.’

Then there is Hillary the hilarious. Here is a candidate who is running on the grounds that she was ‘First Lady’ for eight years. She was a Senator from New York. She was Secretary of State during the first term of her 2008 adversary for President, the Great Divider President Barack Obama.

One of her contributions of service to her country was riding around the world for two thousand hours in an airplane seat. Productive time in an airplane seat serving her country might be better described as the military pilot who is flying her aircraft around the sky on patrol or combat. Passenger flight in civil aircraft, First Lady and ridiculous Russian Reset might qualify her to be a travel guide, but not President.

So where do we go from here? Some partial answers are as follows. There is an old saying that those who don’t use history as a guide will suffer the consequences of the future. Looking back over the past 7+ years, the country is more divided in many ways, the economy is in total despair and our nation is no longer the city on the hill but the cities of destruction. The world looks on the U.S. not as a leader of courage and determination but the land of loose talk and false promises.

Here’s confirmation of the above: In his final State of the Union Address in January 2016, The President admitted that the nation is more divided than when he took office but failed to take any responsibility for that fact and failure. If the economy is so great, why is our national debt more than $19 trillion that costs $240 billion annually in wasted interest costs? Anyone who can’t see that our international relations are in foul territory hasn’t been listening to the President’s wilted explanations for failure clouded in slick excuses.

About half of our total population receives monthly or periodic payments from government right now; one half the populace is subsidizing the other half. Yet the Democratic-controlled urban areas of Detroit, Chicago and other cities continue on their downward spiral of low graduation rates, crime, welfare, unemployment and single-parent childbirths.

Will Rogers, the illustrious Oklahoma-born philosopher once said, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Vote for new conservative management in Washington, District of Corruption.

Dick Baynton

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